With ‘affordability’ being one of the most frequent topics of conversation in real estate these days, more people are looking to enter the market as part of a partnership, or help their children financially enter the market as ‘silent’ partners. The idea of co-ownership may sound like an easier way to enter the housing market, but it can turn into a legal and financial mess if each party is not protected. If you are considering entering into a home ownership agreement with another party, what do you need to know?

Guest: Daniel Boisvert

President, BC Notaries Association

With ‘affordability’ being one of the most frequent topics of conversation in real estate these days, more people are looking to enter the market as part of a partnership, or help their children financially enter the market as ‘silent’ partners. The idea of co-ownership may sound like an easier way to enter the housing market, but it can turn into a legal and financial mess if each party is not protected. If you are considering entering into a home ownership agreement with another party, what do you need to know?

Guest: Daniel Boisvert

President, BC Notaries Association