
Donald Trump - Is thankful for himself on U.S. Thanksgiving

When a reporter asked Donald Trump what he was thankful for this year, the president answered in characteristically conceited fashion, saying he’s most thankful for himself and the “tremendous progress” he’s brought upon the U.S. The comment came while Trump spent the holiday weekend at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

Trump’s Thanksgiving comments sound even more self-centered when compared to what his predecessor, Barack Obama had to say. Obama took to twitter today to state that he is “grateful for the next generation of leaders”.



19-year-old Washington State resident, Kira Laconetti

Kira recently underwent brain surgery to remove a tumor.

It wasn’t life threatening, but as an avid singer, Kira was devastated to find out the tumor was located on the part of her brain that controls auditory processing.

She would likely lose all of her singing abilities.

However, her surgeons were determined to keep Kira singing.

They came up with the idea to have Kira awake and singing during the surgery so they could track the areas of the brain used when singing and avoid damaging them. She sang Weezer’s “Island in the Sun”  while under the knife take a listen…

Kira was back singing and playing guitar hours after her surgery.

After Weezer came across the video of Kira singing their song during surgery, the band reached out to her and invited her to perform on their upcoming tour.

Her surgeons expect her to make a full recovery and get back on-stage quickly.


Donald Trump - Is thankful for himself on U.S. Thanksgiving

When a reporter asked Donald Trump what he was thankful for this year, the president answered in characteristically conceited fashion, saying he’s most thankful for himself and the “tremendous progress” he’s brought upon the U.S. The comment came while Trump spent the holiday weekend at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
Trump’s Thanksgiving comments sound even more self-centered when compared to what his predecessor, Barack Obama had to say. Obama took to twitter today to state that he is “grateful for the next generation of leaders”.



19-year-old Washington State resident, Kira Laconetti
Kira recently underwent brain surgery to remove a tumor.
It wasn’t life threatening, but as an avid singer, Kira was devastated to find out the tumor was located on the part of her brain that controls auditory processing.
She would likely lose all of her singing abilities.
However, her surgeons were determined to keep Kira singing.
They came up with the idea to have Kira awake and singing during the surgery so they could track the areas of the brain used when singing and avoid damaging them. She sang Weezer’s “Island in the Sun”  while under the knife take a listen…
Kira was back singing and playing guitar hours after her surgery.
After Weezer came across the video of Kira singing their song during surgery, the band reached out to her and invited her to perform on their upcoming tour.
Her surgeons expect her to make a full recovery and get back on-stage quickly.