Chapter 1

The Question of the day

A logbook review has found the driver of the semi truck in the Humboldt Broncos collision had 70 violations in the days leading up to the crash, which killed 16 people and injured 13. @MikeSmythNews wants to know: what would be an appropriate sentence for Jaskirat Singh Sidhu?

Fine and driving ban

1-5 years in prison

5-10 years in prison

Over 10 years in prison


Chapter 2

Nanaimo byelection

It's voting day in the Nanaimo byelection, and one of the big issues has been the Speculation Tax. But, will it be enough to bring down the NDP?

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief


Chapter 3

Does the Humboldt semi-driver deserve any leniency?

Guest: Alan Regan

Simi Sara Show producer


Chapter 4

Victoria councillors endorse lawsuit against Alberta oil companies

Councillors in Victoria have endorsed a class action lawsuit against oil and gas companies in Alberta - but politicians in that province are claiming Victoria dumps raw sewage into the Pacific. Alberta Premier, Rachel Notley, says the stance by Victoria is "hypocritical".

Guest: Ben Isitt

Victoria City Councillor


Chapter 5

Bitter cold in many parts of Canada

Environment Canada has issued extreme cold warnings in a line from the centre of Saskatchewan into parts of Quebec, with windchill values plunging below minus 50 Celsius.

The weather service is urging anyone heading outside to watch for cold related symptoms -- shortness of breath, chest pain, muscle pain and weakness, numbness and colour change in fingers and toes.

Guest: Anthony Farnell

Chief Meteorologist for Global News


Chapter 6

One in four retirees regret their decision to retire, a new poll suggests

One in four retirees regret their decision to retire, according to a poll released today by CIBC.

The poll also revealed that half of all Canadians would rather keep working past age 65. Some 78 per cent of respondents believe that reducing their work hours gives them the "best of both worlds."

With all of that in mind, how best can people prepare themselves for retirement, and make sure that they’re making the right decision at the right time?

Guest: Anthony Kupferschmidt

Executive Director of West End Seniors Network


Chapter 7

What benefits could ridesharing bring to the economy in Metro Vancouver?

Guest: Joseph Okpaku

Vice President of Policy at Lyft


Chapter 8

Could Meng Wanzhou’s extradition impact BC’s trade with China?

In 2017, China traded more with BC than any other Canadian province, meaning we have the most to lose from a downturn in trans-Pacific trade.

So how might ongoing diplomatic tensions affect industries and workers here in our province?

Guest: Margaret McCuaig-Johnston

Senior Fellow at the China Institute at the University of Alberta

Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

Chapter 1

The Question of the day

A logbook review has found the driver of the semi truck in the Humboldt Broncos collision had 70 violations in the days leading up to the crash, which killed 16 people and injured 13. @MikeSmythNews wants to know: what would be an appropriate sentence for Jaskirat Singh Sidhu?

Fine and driving ban
1-5 years in prison
5-10 years in prison
Over 10 years in prison


Chapter 2

Nanaimo byelection

It's voting day in the Nanaimo byelection, and one of the big issues has been the Speculation Tax. But, will it be enough to bring down the NDP?

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief


Chapter 3

Does the Humboldt semi-driver deserve any leniency?

Guest: Alan Regan

Simi Sara Show producer


Chapter 4

Victoria councillors endorse lawsuit against Alberta oil companies

Councillors in Victoria have endorsed a class action lawsuit against oil and gas companies in Alberta - but politicians in that province are claiming Victoria dumps raw sewage into the Pacific. Alberta Premier, Rachel Notley, says the stance by Victoria is "hypocritical".

Guest: Ben Isitt

Victoria City Councillor


Chapter 5

Bitter cold in many parts of Canada

Environment Canada has issued extreme cold warnings in a line from the centre of Saskatchewan into parts of Quebec, with windchill values plunging below minus 50 Celsius.

The weather service is urging anyone heading outside to watch for cold related symptoms -- shortness of breath, chest pain, muscle pain and weakness, numbness and colour change in fingers and toes.

Guest: Anthony Farnell

Chief Meteorologist for Global News


Chapter 6

One in four retirees regret their decision to retire, a new poll suggests

One in four retirees regret their decision to retire, according to a poll released today by CIBC.

The poll also revealed that half of all Canadians would rather keep working past age 65. Some 78 per cent of respondents believe that reducing their work hours gives them the "best of both worlds."

With all of that in mind, how best can people prepare themselves for retirement, and make sure that they’re making the right decision at the right time?

Guest: Anthony Kupferschmidt

Executive Director of West End Seniors Network


Chapter 7

What benefits could ridesharing bring to the economy in Metro Vancouver?

Guest: Joseph Okpaku

Vice President of Policy at Lyft


Chapter 8

Could Meng Wanzhou’s extradition impact BC’s trade with China?

In 2017, China traded more with BC than any other Canadian province, meaning we have the most to lose from a downturn in trans-Pacific trade.

So how might ongoing diplomatic tensions affect industries and workers here in our province?

Guest: Margaret McCuaig-Johnston

Senior Fellow at the China Institute at the University of Alberta

Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada