Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: a new study is linking processed meat to cancer. Eating just a strip of bacon a day increases your risk.

We want to know: how many pieces of bacon do you eat in a week?




7 or more


Chapter 2

What does Jason Kenney’s win in Alberta mean for us in British Columbia?

Former federal conservative cabinet minister Jason Kenney is Alberta's new premier. His United Conservative Party crushed Rachel Notley and the N-D-P in yesterday's provincial election. Kenney is urging the rest of Canada to support the province's energy sector, which includes the need for a pipeline.

So is his election a good thing, or a bad thing, for the government and people of British Columbia?

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global’s BC Legislative Bureau Chief


Chapter 3

75pc of British people believe sharing ‘fake news’ should be a criminal offence: Ipsos Mori poll

The vast majority of adults in Britain - about 70 per cent - are worried that misinformation could influence the outcome of an election or a referendum.

And about as many believe it should be a criminal offence to spread 'fake news' deliberately.

Those findings are in a poll by Ipsos Mori for King's College London. It was conducted in February and the results are just being released today.

Guest: Darrell Bricker

Chief Executive Officer, Global Public Affairs, IPSOS


Chapter 4

Just one piece of bacon a day increases your risk of getting bowel cancer

A new study from the University of Oxford is showing how much likely you are to get cancer if you eat processed meat.

And there's bad news for those who eat even small amounts - just a piece of bacon a day significantly increases the risk.

Guest: Professor Tim Key

Co-author of the study and Deputy Director of the Cancer Epidemiology Unit at the University of Oxford



How research into sugar and the human body could help us develop cancer treatments

How do cancer cells grow? Well, they need glucose.

So if we can better-understand how the body processes sugar, can that help us design the kind of cancer treatments we need to fight the disease?

An immunologist at the University of Victoria has received over a million dollars in funding to look into this. His name is Julian Lum, and he joins me now...

Guest: Julian Lum

University of Victoria immunologist


Chapter 6

Common pet allergies and how to deal with them

For allergy sufferers, this time of year may mean you are suffering with watery eyes and a runny nose, but did you know that your pet could also have allergies, and they may not be seasonal. Dr. Jennifer Adolphe, Senior Pet Nutritionist at Petcurean, joins us in studio to discuss common food  allergies that your pet may have and how to deal with them.

There are a number of common allergens your dog may be allergic to, including:

Cigarette smoke.

Cleaning products.


Dust and house dust mites.



Fleas and flea-control products.

Food ingredients (such as chicken, beef, pork, wheat, soy or corn)

Guest: Dr. Jennifer Adolphe

Senior Pet Nutritionist at Petcurean, a family owned pet food company based in Chilliwack


Chapter 7

BC’s Lieutenant-Governor calls for more civility in our public discourse

Simi was at a very large family event over the weekend, and more than once felt the need to duck out of a heated political conversation. It seems like all political conversations are these days: heated.

It feels like everyone is always arguing to try and change someone’s mind that isn’t going to be changed, no matter what facts and figures might say.

Surveys show it has led to less trust in the institutions of our society, like our political system and the media. That is a topic that Lieutenant-Governor, Janet Austin, has been weighing in on.

She has written an opinion piece in the Vancouver Sun speaking out on the need for more constructive participation in our democracy and she joins us now to talk more about the idea.

Guest: Janet Austin

Lieutenant-governor of BC

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: a new study is linking processed meat to cancer. Eating just a strip of bacon a day increases your risk.

We want to know: how many pieces of bacon do you eat in a week?

7 or more


Chapter 2

What does Jason Kenney’s win in Alberta mean for us in British Columbia?

Former federal conservative cabinet minister Jason Kenney is Alberta's new premier. His United Conservative Party crushed Rachel Notley and the N-D-P in yesterday's provincial election. Kenney is urging the rest of Canada to support the province's energy sector, which includes the need for a pipeline.

So is his election a good thing, or a bad thing, for the government and people of British Columbia?

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global’s BC Legislative Bureau Chief


Chapter 3

75pc of British people believe sharing ‘fake news’ should be a criminal offence: Ipsos Mori poll

The vast majority of adults in Britain - about 70 per cent - are worried that misinformation could influence the outcome of an election or a referendum.

And about as many believe it should be a criminal offence to spread 'fake news' deliberately.

Those findings are in a poll by Ipsos Mori for King's College London. It was conducted in February and the results are just being released today.

Guest: Darrell Bricker

Chief Executive Officer, Global Public Affairs, IPSOS


Chapter 4

Just one piece of bacon a day increases your risk of getting bowel cancer

A new study from the University of Oxford is showing how much likely you are to get cancer if you eat processed meat.

And there's bad news for those who eat even small amounts - just a piece of bacon a day significantly increases the risk.

Guest: Professor Tim Key

Co-author of the study and Deputy Director of the Cancer Epidemiology Unit at the University of Oxford



How research into sugar and the human body could help us develop cancer treatments

How do cancer cells grow? Well, they need glucose.

So if we can better-understand how the body processes sugar, can that help us design the kind of cancer treatments we need to fight the disease?

An immunologist at the University of Victoria has received over a million dollars in funding to look into this. His name is Julian Lum, and he joins me now...

Guest: Julian Lum

University of Victoria immunologist


Chapter 6

Common pet allergies and how to deal with them

For allergy sufferers, this time of year may mean you are suffering with watery eyes and a runny nose, but did you know that your pet could also have allergies, and they may not be seasonal. Dr. Jennifer Adolphe, Senior Pet Nutritionist at Petcurean, joins us in studio to discuss common food  allergies that your pet may have and how to deal with them.

There are a number of common allergens your dog may be allergic to, including:

Cigarette smoke.
Cleaning products.
Dust and house dust mites.
Fleas and flea-control products.
Food ingredients (such as chicken, beef, pork, wheat, soy or corn)

Guest: Dr. Jennifer Adolphe

Senior Pet Nutritionist at Petcurean, a family owned pet food company based in Chilliwack


Chapter 7

BC’s Lieutenant-Governor calls for more civility in our public discourse

Simi was at a very large family event over the weekend, and more than once felt the need to duck out of a heated political conversation. It seems like all political conversations are these days: heated.

It feels like everyone is always arguing to try and change someone’s mind that isn’t going to be changed, no matter what facts and figures might say.

Surveys show it has led to less trust in the institutions of our society, like our political system and the media. That is a topic that Lieutenant-Governor, Janet Austin, has been weighing in on.

She has written an opinion piece in the Vancouver Sun speaking out on the need for more constructive participation in our democracy and she joins us now to talk more about the idea.

Guest: Janet Austin

Lieutenant-governor of BC