Simi was at a very large family event over the weekend, and more than once felt the need to duck out of a heated political conversation. It seems like all political conversations are these days: heated.

It feels like everyone is always arguing to try and change someone’s mind that isn’t going to be changed, no matter what facts and figures might say.

Surveys show it has led to less trust in the institutions of our society, like our political system and the media. That is a topic that Lieutenant-Governor, Janet Austin, has been weighing in on.

She has written an opinion piece in the Vancouver Sun speaking out on the need for more constructive participation in our democracy and she joins us now to talk more about the idea.

Guest: Janet Austin

Lieutenant-governor of BC

Simi was at a very large family event over the weekend, and more than once felt the need to duck out of a heated political conversation. It seems like all political conversations are these days: heated.

It feels like everyone is always arguing to try and change someone’s mind that isn’t going to be changed, no matter what facts and figures might say.

Surveys show it has led to less trust in the institutions of our society, like our political system and the media. That is a topic that Lieutenant-Governor, Janet Austin, has been weighing in on.

She has written an opinion piece in the Vancouver Sun speaking out on the need for more constructive participation in our democracy and she joins us now to talk more about the idea.

Guest: Janet Austin

Lieutenant-governor of BC