Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: Our Sam Cooper reports that nearly $2 billion in dirty money may have flowed through B.C. casinos, far more than official estimates. @MikeSmythNews wants to know if you want a public inquiry into criminal money laundering in B.C.

Yes, it’s time for truth.

No, waste of money.


Chapter 2

Spotlight on Claire Trevena’s $60k trip to Kenya while she was Deputy Speaker

As the scandal continues at the BC Legislature with the Clerk and Sergeant-at-Arms suspended over allegations of lavish spending, it turns out Transportation Minister Claire Trevena took her husband along for a trip to Kenya in 2010 to attend a meeting of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

The trip cost $60,000 and she was Deputy Speaker at the time. Trevena says since then the rules have changed and spouses are no longer allowed to go on such trips.

Guest: Kris Sims

BC Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation


Chapter 3

Surrey Board of Trade wants six lanes on the Pattulo Bridge

The Surrey Board of Trade wants the Pattulo Bridge to have six lanes available on opening day - and NOT the four lanes that are being proposed.

The board has released the results of its third Annual Surrey Road Survey. It also tells us about the habits of the commuters they surveyed in Surrey, and how they want their needs to be met in the coming years.

Guest: Anita Huberman

CEO of the Surrey Board of Trade


Chapter 4

Bruce McArthur pleads guilty

The 67-year old Toronto landscaper Bruce McArthur is now one of Canada’s most prolific serial killers after pleading guilty to eight counts of first degree murder, in the deaths of men who went missing from Toronto’s gay village. Revealed in court today was a statement of facts.

Police say McArthur murdered the eight men, while confining and sexually assaulting them. A number of the victims were not originally from Canada.

Speaking to reporters outside court, Haran Vijayanathan [VIJAYA-NATHAN] - executive director of the Alliance for South Asian Aids Prevention says some of the details were hard to hear:

One of the chief investigators, David Dickinson has also been speaking about the case and the personal impact it’s had.

Guest: Briana Carnegie

Global News reporter


Chapter 5

Canada receives formal request for Meng Wanzhou’s extradition

The Canadian government has received a formal request for the extradition of a senior executive of Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies as a judge in Vancouver agreed to a minor change in Meng Wanzhou's bail conditions.

If a judge commits Meng for extradition, Justice Minister David Lametti would ultimately determine whether she would be extradited to the United States to face charges of bank fraud, wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit both.

Speaking to reporters in Ottawa, Lametti confirmed that the United States has made an extradition request.

Meng appeared in B.C.’s Supreme Court this morning, where a judge agreed to replace an individual who provided a surety for her release with a couple who are putting up their home as part of her $10 million bail.

The case will return to court March 6 to discuss Canada's authority to proceed with the extradition request.

Meng, is Huawei’s chief financial officer and the daughter of its founder. She is free on bail in Vancouver after her arrest in December at the behest of U.S. authorities. She left court through a parkade without commenting today.

Guest: Michael Mui

Investigative reporter for the Star Metro Vancouver

Guest: Emily Rauhala

Foreign Affairs Correspondent, former China correspondent, Washington Post


Chapter 6

Is it now time for a public inquiry on criminal money laundering?

The latest exclusive investigation by Global News reporter, Sam Cooper, has found more than $1.7 billion flowed through special BC Lottery Corp high roller accounts funded by loan sharks and dodgy bank drafts.

Sam’s investigation has found lax controls at BC Lottery Corp allowed the dirty money to flow.

Guest: David Eby

BC’s Attorney General


Chapter 7

New Westminster considering bylaws that would impose restrictions and fines for renovictions

New Westminster could have the first municipal bylaws in B.C. that would impose restrictions and fines for renovictions.

City council is looking for input on plans that would:

- introduce new business licensing requirements to prohibit renovictions

- bring in a policy to slow the redevelopment of older purpose-built market rental buildings

- create a tax exemption to incentivize the maintenance and protection of existing rental buildings

Guest: Jonathan Cote

New Westminster Mayor

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: Our Sam Cooper reports that nearly $2 billion in dirty money may have flowed through B.C. casinos, far more than official estimates. @MikeSmythNews wants to know if you want a public inquiry into criminal money laundering in B.C.

Yes, it’s time for truth.
No, waste of money.


Chapter 2

Spotlight on Claire Trevena’s $60k trip to Kenya while she was Deputy Speaker

As the scandal continues at the BC Legislature with the Clerk and Sergeant-at-Arms suspended over allegations of lavish spending, it turns out Transportation Minister Claire Trevena took her husband along for a trip to Kenya in 2010 to attend a meeting of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

The trip cost $60,000 and she was Deputy Speaker at the time. Trevena says since then the rules have changed and spouses are no longer allowed to go on such trips.

Guest: Kris Sims

BC Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation


Chapter 3

Surrey Board of Trade wants six lanes on the Pattulo Bridge

The Surrey Board of Trade wants the Pattulo Bridge to have six lanes available on opening day - and NOT the four lanes that are being proposed.

The board has released the results of its third Annual Surrey Road Survey. It also tells us about the habits of the commuters they surveyed in Surrey, and how they want their needs to be met in the coming years.

Guest: Anita Huberman

CEO of the Surrey Board of Trade


Chapter 4

Bruce McArthur pleads guilty

The 67-year old Toronto landscaper Bruce McArthur is now one of Canada’s most prolific serial killers after pleading guilty to eight counts of first degree murder, in the deaths of men who went missing from Toronto’s gay village. Revealed in court today was a statement of facts.

Police say McArthur murdered the eight men, while confining and sexually assaulting them. A number of the victims were not originally from Canada.

Speaking to reporters outside court, Haran Vijayanathan [VIJAYA-NATHAN] - executive director of the Alliance for South Asian Aids Prevention says some of the details were hard to hear:

One of the chief investigators, David Dickinson has also been speaking about the case and the personal impact it’s had.

Guest: Briana Carnegie

Global News reporter


Chapter 5

Canada receives formal request for Meng Wanzhou’s extradition

The Canadian government has received a formal request for the extradition of a senior executive of Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies as a judge in Vancouver agreed to a minor change in Meng Wanzhou's bail conditions.

If a judge commits Meng for extradition, Justice Minister David Lametti would ultimately determine whether she would be extradited to the United States to face charges of bank fraud, wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit both.

Speaking to reporters in Ottawa, Lametti confirmed that the United States has made an extradition request.

Meng appeared in B.C.’s Supreme Court this morning, where a judge agreed to replace an individual who provided a surety for her release with a couple who are putting up their home as part of her $10 million bail.

The case will return to court March 6 to discuss Canada's authority to proceed with the extradition request.

Meng, is Huawei’s chief financial officer and the daughter of its founder. She is free on bail in Vancouver after her arrest in December at the behest of U.S. authorities. She left court through a parkade without commenting today.

Guest: Michael Mui

Investigative reporter for the Star Metro Vancouver

Guest: Emily Rauhala

Foreign Affairs Correspondent, former China correspondent, Washington Post


Chapter 6

Is it now time for a public inquiry on criminal money laundering?

The latest exclusive investigation by Global News reporter, Sam Cooper, has found more than $1.7 billion flowed through special BC Lottery Corp high roller accounts funded by loan sharks and dodgy bank drafts.

Sam’s investigation has found lax controls at BC Lottery Corp allowed the dirty money to flow.

Guest: David Eby

BC’s Attorney General


Chapter 7

New Westminster considering bylaws that would impose restrictions and fines for renovictions

New Westminster could have the first municipal bylaws in B.C. that would impose restrictions and fines for renovictions.

City council is looking for input on plans that would:

- introduce new business licensing requirements to prohibit renovictions

- bring in a policy to slow the redevelopment of older purpose-built market rental buildings

- create a tax exemption to incentivize the maintenance and protection of existing rental buildings

Guest: Jonathan Cote

New Westminster Mayor