Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

A guide outfitting company has launched a class-action suit against the B.C.government over the ban on the grizzly bear hunt. Where do you stand on the hunting of grizzly bears?

Leave the bears alone

Allow some hunting

Remove all restrictions


Chapter 2

Guide outfitting company launches class-action suit against B.C. ban on grizzly bear hunt

Those who have made their livelihood off hunting are pursuing a class action lawsuit against the province for the harm they say a provincial grizzly-bear hunting-ban has brought. Scott Ellis, with the BC Guide Outfitters says it's been a tough year since the province took a tough stand on the trophy hunt. They are pursuing a class action suit to be compensated for all they've lost - while still working toward a new deal with the province.

Guest: Scott Ellis

Executive director of the Guide outfitters Association of B.C


Chapter 3

The Premier’s Approval Rating

The Angus Reid institute put out a compilation of the approval ratings of Premiers across the country. Some of the findings are pretty surprising. Quebec’s Premier had the highest approval rating, while Nova Soctia’s Premier had the lowest. Where does BC Premier John Horgan fit into the mix?

Guest: Dave Korzinski

Angus Reid Institute


Chapter 4

How much do Canadians donate to charity?

A study coming out of the Fraser Institute will be examining the generosity of Canadians and Americans, by looking at how much they donate to charity. Being looked at through the lens of the 2018 generosity index, along with comparing the amount Canadians and Americans donate respectively, it’ll also look at how generous every Canadian Province has been over the last 10 years.

Guest: Jason Clemens   

Executive Vice President of the Fraser Institute


Chapter 5

The other side of the bear debate

There has been lots of conversation surrounding the guide outfitting class action lawsuit against the ban put in place by the BC Government on hunting grizzly bears. We heard from the Guide Outfitters Association of B.C. earlier on in the program.

Scott Ellis says it's been a tough year since the province took a tough stand on the trophy hunt. They are pursuing a class action suit to be compensated for all they've lost.

Now now we’re going to look at the other side with the Raincoast Conservation Foundation. Raincoast consists of conservationists and scientists who used peer-reviewed scientific research to achieve their conservation goals. They have been very active in working to protect grizzly bears, and Chris Genovali with the Raincoast Conservation Foundation joins me now…

Guest: Chris Genovali

Raincoast Conservation Foundation


Chapter 6

Tips for coexisting with coyotes

If you live anywhere in the lower mainland, you have probably seen a coyote somewhere where it shouldn’t be! What should you do if you see coyote? Is it possible to relocate coyotes once they are spotted in the area? Madeline Irving-Chan is the Coexisting with coyotes coordinator with the Stanley Park Ecology Society, and she joins us to answer all our questions…


Guest: Madeline Irving-Chan

Coexisting with coyotes coordinator with the Stanley Park Ecology Society

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

A guide outfitting company has launched a class-action suit against the B.C.government over the ban on the grizzly bear hunt. Where do you stand on the hunting of grizzly bears?

Leave the bears alone
Allow some hunting
Remove all restrictions


Chapter 2

Guide outfitting company launches class-action suit against B.C. ban on grizzly bear hunt

Those who have made their livelihood off hunting are pursuing a class action lawsuit against the province for the harm they say a provincial grizzly-bear hunting-ban has brought. Scott Ellis, with the BC Guide Outfitters says it's been a tough year since the province took a tough stand on the trophy hunt. They are pursuing a class action suit to be compensated for all they've lost - while still working toward a new deal with the province.

Guest: Scott Ellis

Executive director of the Guide outfitters Association of B.C


Chapter 3

The Premier’s Approval Rating

The Angus Reid institute put out a compilation of the approval ratings of Premiers across the country. Some of the findings are pretty surprising. Quebec’s Premier had the highest approval rating, while Nova Soctia’s Premier had the lowest. Where does BC Premier John Horgan fit into the mix?

Guest: Dave Korzinski

Angus Reid Institute


Chapter 4

How much do Canadians donate to charity?

A study coming out of the Fraser Institute will be examining the generosity of Canadians and Americans, by looking at how much they donate to charity. Being looked at through the lens of the 2018 generosity index, along with comparing the amount Canadians and Americans donate respectively, it’ll also look at how generous every Canadian Province has been over the last 10 years.

Guest: Jason Clemens   

Executive Vice President of the Fraser Institute


Chapter 5

The other side of the bear debate

There has been lots of conversation surrounding the guide outfitting class action lawsuit against the ban put in place by the BC Government on hunting grizzly bears. We heard from the Guide Outfitters Association of B.C. earlier on in the program.

Scott Ellis says it's been a tough year since the province took a tough stand on the trophy hunt. They are pursuing a class action suit to be compensated for all they've lost.

Now now we’re going to look at the other side with the Raincoast Conservation Foundation. Raincoast consists of conservationists and scientists who used peer-reviewed scientific research to achieve their conservation goals. They have been very active in working to protect grizzly bears, and Chris Genovali with the Raincoast Conservation Foundation joins me now…

Guest: Chris Genovali

Raincoast Conservation Foundation


Chapter 6

Tips for coexisting with coyotes

If you live anywhere in the lower mainland, you have probably seen a coyote somewhere where it shouldn’t be! What should you do if you see coyote? Is it possible to relocate coyotes once they are spotted in the area? Madeline Irving-Chan is the Coexisting with coyotes coordinator with the Stanley Park Ecology Society, and she joins us to answer all our questions…


Guest: Madeline Irving-Chan

Coexisting with coyotes coordinator with the Stanley Park Ecology Society