Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @MikeSmythNews's 🔥 question of the day: should auto insurance in B.C. be opened up to the private sector?

Yes, competition is good!

No, it would hurt ICBC.


Chapter 2

Arrest of Scott Road shooter adds fuel to debate on Surrey’s municipal police force

The fugitive suspected of shooting a transit police officer at Scott Road Station last Wednesday has been arrested. The successful operation by the Surrey RCMP has added fuel to the debate over whether Surrey should ditch the RCMP and have its own municipal police force instead - something that the city’s Mayor, Doug McCallum, desperately wants.

Guest: Dianne Watts

Mayor of Surrey from 2005 to 2014, former Conservative MP


Chapter 3

Majority of British Columbians want private auto insurance options, IBC poll suggests

The Insurance Bureau of Canada represents private insurance companies, and they’ve released a new opinion poll today, which suggests 82 per cent of British Columbians want more choice in auto insurance, and want private competition.

Guest: Aaron Sutherland

Vice President, Insurance Bureau of Canada                        


Chapter 4

Three unnamed BC Liberals MLAs will not contest the next provincial election

Three unnamed MLAs have told BC Liberals leader, Andrew Wilkinson, that they will not contest the next provincial election. The party is looking for ways it can revamp its caucus to better reflect the diverse population of British Columbia.

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief


Chapter 5

Cold snap hits BC, as wind chill values plunge to -20°C in the Fraser Valley

It's going to be a very cold few days in Metro Vancouver and Kamloops. Wind chill values in the Fraser Valley are plunging to -20°C - which is very unusual for that part of the province.

Guest: Mark Madryga

Global BC Chief Meterologist


Chapter 6

Ridesharing rules should be less restrictive than BC NDP is proposing, federal Competition Bureau says

The federal Competition Bureau is asking the BC government to introduce ridesharing rules that are less restrictive than is being proposed.

They want drivers to have the flexibility to choose their own service areas, rather than requiring drivers to stay within limited geographic boundaries, and allow "market forces" to determine pricing, and how many drivers are available to serve passengers.

Guest: Leila Wright

Associate deputy commissioner of the federal Competition Bureau


Chapter 7

Why a Surrey councillor wants more whistleblower protection in the city

A Surrey councillor wants to see the city hire an ethics commissioner and bring-in an expanded whistleblower policy. Jack Hundial has served notice of motion for introduction of a new position at the city: an ethics commissioner. Hundial is also looking to see the city's whistleblower policy expanded for city staff and contractors.

Guest: Jack Hundial

Surrey City Councillor representing the Safe Surrey Coalition

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @MikeSmythNews's 🔥 question of the day: should auto insurance in B.C. be opened up to the private sector?

Yes, competition is good!
No, it would hurt ICBC.


Chapter 2

Arrest of Scott Road shooter adds fuel to debate on Surrey’s municipal police force

The fugitive suspected of shooting a transit police officer at Scott Road Station last Wednesday has been arrested. The successful operation by the Surrey RCMP has added fuel to the debate over whether Surrey should ditch the RCMP and have its own municipal police force instead - something that the city’s Mayor, Doug McCallum, desperately wants.

Guest: Dianne Watts

Mayor of Surrey from 2005 to 2014, former Conservative MP


Chapter 3

Majority of British Columbians want private auto insurance options, IBC poll suggests

The Insurance Bureau of Canada represents private insurance companies, and they’ve released a new opinion poll today, which suggests 82 per cent of British Columbians want more choice in auto insurance, and want private competition.

Guest: Aaron Sutherland

Vice President, Insurance Bureau of Canada                        


Chapter 4

Three unnamed BC Liberals MLAs will not contest the next provincial election

Three unnamed MLAs have told BC Liberals leader, Andrew Wilkinson, that they will not contest the next provincial election. The party is looking for ways it can revamp its caucus to better reflect the diverse population of British Columbia.

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief


Chapter 5

Cold snap hits BC, as wind chill values plunge to -20°C in the Fraser Valley

It's going to be a very cold few days in Metro Vancouver and Kamloops. Wind chill values in the Fraser Valley are plunging to -20°C - which is very unusual for that part of the province.

Guest: Mark Madryga

Global BC Chief Meterologist


Chapter 6

Ridesharing rules should be less restrictive than BC NDP is proposing, federal Competition Bureau says

The federal Competition Bureau is asking the BC government to introduce ridesharing rules that are less restrictive than is being proposed.

They want drivers to have the flexibility to choose their own service areas, rather than requiring drivers to stay within limited geographic boundaries, and allow "market forces" to determine pricing, and how many drivers are available to serve passengers.

Guest: Leila Wright

Associate deputy commissioner of the federal Competition Bureau


Chapter 7

Why a Surrey councillor wants more whistleblower protection in the city

A Surrey councillor wants to see the city hire an ethics commissioner and bring-in an expanded whistleblower policy. Jack Hundial has served notice of motion for introduction of a new position at the city: an ethics commissioner. Hundial is also looking to see the city's whistleblower policy expanded for city staff and contractors.

Guest: Jack Hundial

Surrey City Councillor representing the Safe Surrey Coalition