Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: A car crash involving 97-year-old Prince Philip has sparked fresh debate over whether there should be a driving age limit. @MikeSmythNews wants to know if you would support that.

Yes, it would save lives.

No, seniors need freedom.


Chapter 2

Green Party leader, Andrew Weaver, now says he ‘hates’ the speculation tax

Lots of you phoned us up yesterday to tell us how much you dislike the “negative billing” process the provincial government has brought in for the speculation tax. The onus is on YOU as a homeowner to fill out a form and let the province know that you’re NOT a speculator.

If you’re unhappy about the speculation tax, you have someone who says he’s in your corner… but then why did he vote to help the tax pass in the legislature?

Green Party leader, Andrew Weaver, joins us on the Simi Sara Show to tell us why.

Guest: Andrew Weaver

Leader of the BC Green Party


Chapter 3

BC Hydro reports uptick in the number of scam calls received by its customers

That's BC Hydro spokesperson Mora Scott, talking about a sharp rise in the number of scammers demanding payment under the threat of disconnection, both by phone and by email.

They will call a home or business, demanding IMMEDIATE payment in the form of pre-paid cash or credit cards, or by depositing money into a bitcoin ATM.

Scott says Hydro does NOT collect credit card or bank account information by phone, email or text, nor does it accept payment from pre-paid cash, credit cards, or bitcoin.

Since 2014, BC Hydro has received nearly 6,000 complaints, with 2000 last year alone.

Guest: Karla Davis

Better Business Bureau


Chapter 4

Fact check: was Karen Wang mistranslated by the media?

Here’s the translation that the StarMetro published - this is the post attributed to Karen Wang:

"In this election, the chance of winning is once in a lifetime. Ethnic Chinese people account for more than 20,000 votes, and the ballot proportion is 40 per cent of the voting rate. If we can increase the voting rate, as the only Ethnic Chinese candidate in this riding, if I can garner 16,000 votes, I will easily win the byelection, control the election race, and make history!

“My opponent in this byelection is the NDP candidate, Singh, of Indian descent! Defeat NDP and get a seat in parliament!"

The first thing we did was check in with the StarMetro Vancouver, who broke this story. And they stand by their translation. They declined an opportunity for an interview, saying that the accuracy of the translation is NOT up for debate.

Guest: Alan Regan

Simi Sara Show producer


Chapter 5

New poll published on Nanaimo byelection

There’s a new poll out on the Nanaimo byelection - it was just published by The Orca 20 minutes ago - some dramatic findings in there, so let’s get all the details.

Guest: Maclean Kay

Editor in Chief of The Orca


Chapter 6

Speculation tax fallout continues

The NDP’s speculation tax continues to make waves across British Columbia. Earlier we spoke to Green Party leader, Andrew Weaver. He says that he and his party “hates the tax,” even though the Greens did vote with the NDP to pass the tax.

This all comes in the middle of the crucial byelection campaign in Nanaimo. And in the past hour, a new poll has come out. We spoke to Maclean Kay, Editor in Chief of The Orca.

Guest: Anne McMullin

Urban Development Institute

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: A car crash involving 97-year-old Prince Philip has sparked fresh debate over whether there should be a driving age limit. @MikeSmythNews wants to know if you would support that.

Yes, it would save lives.
No, seniors need freedom.


Chapter 2

Green Party leader, Andrew Weaver, now says he ‘hates’ the speculation tax

Lots of you phoned us up yesterday to tell us how much you dislike the “negative billing” process the provincial government has brought in for the speculation tax. The onus is on YOU as a homeowner to fill out a form and let the province know that you’re NOT a speculator.

If you’re unhappy about the speculation tax, you have someone who says he’s in your corner… but then why did he vote to help the tax pass in the legislature?

Green Party leader, Andrew Weaver, joins us on the Simi Sara Show to tell us why.

Guest: Andrew Weaver

Leader of the BC Green Party


Chapter 3

BC Hydro reports uptick in the number of scam calls received by its customers

That's BC Hydro spokesperson Mora Scott, talking about a sharp rise in the number of scammers demanding payment under the threat of disconnection, both by phone and by email.

They will call a home or business, demanding IMMEDIATE payment in the form of pre-paid cash or credit cards, or by depositing money into a bitcoin ATM.

Scott says Hydro does NOT collect credit card or bank account information by phone, email or text, nor does it accept payment from pre-paid cash, credit cards, or bitcoin.

Since 2014, BC Hydro has received nearly 6,000 complaints, with 2000 last year alone.

Guest: Karla Davis

Better Business Bureau


Chapter 4

Fact check: was Karen Wang mistranslated by the media?

Here’s the translation that the StarMetro published - this is the post attributed to Karen Wang:

"In this election, the chance of winning is once in a lifetime. Ethnic Chinese people account for more than 20,000 votes, and the ballot proportion is 40 per cent of the voting rate. If we can increase the voting rate, as the only Ethnic Chinese candidate in this riding, if I can garner 16,000 votes, I will easily win the byelection, control the election race, and make history!

“My opponent in this byelection is the NDP candidate, Singh, of Indian descent! Defeat NDP and get a seat in parliament!"

The first thing we did was check in with the StarMetro Vancouver, who broke this story. And they stand by their translation. They declined an opportunity for an interview, saying that the accuracy of the translation is NOT up for debate.

Guest: Alan Regan

Simi Sara Show producer


Chapter 5

New poll published on Nanaimo byelection

There’s a new poll out on the Nanaimo byelection - it was just published by The Orca 20 minutes ago - some dramatic findings in there, so let’s get all the details.

Guest: Maclean Kay

Editor in Chief of The Orca


Chapter 6

Speculation tax fallout continues

The NDP’s speculation tax continues to make waves across British Columbia. Earlier we spoke to Green Party leader, Andrew Weaver. He says that he and his party “hates the tax,” even though the Greens did vote with the NDP to pass the tax.

This all comes in the middle of the crucial byelection campaign in Nanaimo. And in the past hour, a new poll has come out. We spoke to Maclean Kay, Editor in Chief of The Orca.

Guest: Anne McMullin

Urban Development Institute