The NDP’s speculation tax continues to make waves across British Columbia. Earlier we spoke to Green Party leader, Andrew Weaver. He says that he and his party “hates the tax,” even though the Greens did vote with the NDP to pass the tax.


This all comes in the middle of the crucial byelection campaign in Nanaimo. And in the past hour, a new poll has come out. We spoke to Maclean Kay, Editor in Chief of The Orca.


Guest: Anne McMullin

Urban Development Institute

The NDP’s speculation tax continues to make waves across British Columbia. Earlier we spoke to Green Party leader, Andrew Weaver. He says that he and his party “hates the tax,” even though the Greens did vote with the NDP to pass the tax.


This all comes in the middle of the crucial byelection campaign in Nanaimo. And in the past hour, a new poll has come out. We spoke to Maclean Kay, Editor in Chief of The Orca.


Guest: Anne McMullin

Urban Development Institute