
An anonymous police officer from Marion County, Indiana

A customer at a local McDonald's restaurant is looking for answers after finding that someone may have already helped themselves to his sandwich.

The customer is a police officer, ad he wanted to remain anonymous, but he spoke to WTHR about the ordeal… 

The reason why this police officer is our loser of the day is because of a recent development in the mysterious case of who took a bite out of the McChicken sandwich… 

The police officer has found the culprit: himself.

The Marion County Sheriff's Office released the following statement:

“Last week, a Marion County Sheriff’s Office employee purchased a McChicken sandwich from  McDonald’s. The employee took a bite out of the sandwich upon starting his shift at the Marion County Jail, then placed it in the refrigerator in a break room. He returned nearly seven hours later having forgotten that he had previously bitten the sandwich. He wrongly concluded that a McDonald’s restaurant employee had tampered with his food because he is a law enforcement officer. The investigation has determined that McDonald’s restaurant staff in no way tampered with the employee’s food. He has since formally apologized to McDonald’s.



Four brothers from Virginia on vacation in Ireland 

Four brothers are being credited with saving a girl's life while on vacation in Ireland.


An anonymous police officer from Marion County, Indiana

A customer at a local McDonald's restaurant is looking for answers after finding that someone may have already helped themselves to his sandwich.
The customer is a police officer, ad he wanted to remain anonymous, but he spoke to WTHR about the ordeal… 

The reason why this police officer is our loser of the day is because of a recent development in the mysterious case of who took a bite out of the McChicken sandwich… 
The police officer has found the culprit: himself.
The Marion County Sheriff's Office released the following statement:
“Last week, a Marion County Sheriff’s Office employee purchased a McChicken sandwich from  McDonald’s. The employee took a bite out of the sandwich upon starting his shift at the Marion County Jail, then placed it in the refrigerator in a break room. He returned nearly seven hours later having forgotten that he had previously bitten the sandwich. He wrongly concluded that a McDonald’s restaurant employee had tampered with his food because he is a law enforcement officer. The investigation has determined that McDonald’s restaurant staff in no way tampered with the employee’s food. He has since formally apologized to McDonald’s.



Four brothers from Virginia on vacation in Ireland 

Four brothers are being credited with saving a girl's life while on vacation in Ireland.