International Bat Week starts today to celebrate the role of bats in nature, and B-C has two of its own bat-friendly communities -- Peachland and Dawson Creek.

The Peachland colony of two thousand Yuma myotis bats was found in the timber frames of an old school that had been boarded shut for a decade.

It was turned into the Peachland Visitor Centre and features one of the largest bat colonies in B-C, the community holds bat chats and a camera broadcasts a live feed of the centre's maternity colony from March to October.

BC has 16 of Canada's 18 bat species, the highest number in the country, and half of them are of conservation concern. 


Guest: Darlene Hartford

President, Bat Education and Ecological Protection Society (BEEPS) in Peachland

International Bat Week starts today to celebrate the role of bats in nature, and B-C has two of its own bat-friendly communities -- Peachland and Dawson Creek.

The Peachland colony of two thousand Yuma myotis bats was found in the timber frames of an old school that had been boarded shut for a decade.

It was turned into the Peachland Visitor Centre and features one of the largest bat colonies in B-C, the community holds bat chats and a camera broadcasts a live feed of the centre's maternity colony from March to October.

BC has 16 of Canada's 18 bat species, the highest number in the country, and half of them are of conservation concern. 


Guest: Darlene Hartford

President, Bat Education and Ecological Protection Society (BEEPS) in Peachland