Pressure is mounting on the BC RCMP to answer questions surrounding three murders in northeastern BC. We should learn more after 2pm today, when officers will hold a press conference.

The first murders were those of a couple found last week near Liard Hot Springs --  23-year-old Australian Lucas Fowler and his American girlfriend, 24-year-old Chynna (CHINA) Deese.

Then, the discovery of a body and the disappearance of two men whose camper truck was found on fire.

The burned vehicle belongs to 19-year-old Kam McLeod and 18-year-old Bryer Schmegelsky from Port Alberni who were going to Whitehorse to look for work.

Police investigating the fire about 50 kilometres south of Dease Lake, received information that led them to discover a man's body at a highway pullout about two kilometres away.

The incidents within 470 kilometres of each other.

Guest: Nadia Stewart

Global News Reporter

Pressure is mounting on the BC RCMP to answer questions surrounding three murders in northeastern BC. We should learn more after 2pm today, when officers will hold a press conference.

The first murders were those of a couple found last week near Liard Hot Springs --  23-year-old Australian Lucas Fowler and his American girlfriend, 24-year-old Chynna (CHINA) Deese.

Then, the discovery of a body and the disappearance of two men whose camper truck was found on fire.

The burned vehicle belongs to 19-year-old Kam McLeod and 18-year-old Bryer Schmegelsky from Port Alberni who were going to Whitehorse to look for work.

Police investigating the fire about 50 kilometres south of Dease Lake, received information that led them to discover a man's body at a highway pullout about two kilometres away.

The incidents within 470 kilometres of each other.

Guest: Nadia Stewart

Global News Reporter