We've all heard of the huge shortage of Education Assistants in BC classrooms.

An EA in the Richmond school district is speaking up, fed up with the situation, especially the lack of hours.               

June Kaiser says many EA's have two jobs just to make ends meet. She spoke to our Global News Senior Reporter, Janet Brown.

"it's not easy for anybody and it has an impact on the kids because if we're worried about our finances, if we're worried about the fact we have to rush off to another job, if we're tired becaues we worked all night and now have come to work with the kids during the school day they're not getting the best of us."

Kaiser also says because of the limited hours, pensions are also impacted.

The hourly rate she says in Richmond has just gone to 29-dollars an hour but in some jurisdictions it's as low as 21-dollars an hour.

We've all heard of the huge shortage of Education Assistants in BC classrooms.

An EA in the Richmond school district is speaking up, fed up with the situation, especially the lack of hours.               

June Kaiser says many EA's have two jobs just to make ends meet. She spoke to our Global News Senior Reporter, Janet Brown.

"it's not easy for anybody and it has an impact on the kids because if we're worried about our finances, if we're worried about the fact we have to rush off to another job, if we're tired becaues we worked all night and now have come to work with the kids during the school day they're not getting the best of us."

Kaiser also says because of the limited hours, pensions are also impacted.

The hourly rate she says in Richmond has just gone to 29-dollars an hour but in some jurisdictions it's as low as 21-dollars an hour.