The three BC Green Party MLAs propping up the NDP Government in Victoria are calling for a full public inquiry into the money laundering scandal at BC casinos and the housing market.

To date, Premier Horgan has declined to call one, citing the cost and length of time it would take, also saying he would prefer faster action with various federal government agencies. However, he also hasn't ruled out a public inquiry.

Green Party leader Andrew Weaver posed the question about the future of public inquiry into money laundering while in Question Period this morning.

Guest: Andrew Weaver

Leader of the BC Green Party

The three BC Green Party MLAs propping up the NDP Government in Victoria are calling for a full public inquiry into the money laundering scandal at BC casinos and the housing market.

To date, Premier Horgan has declined to call one, citing the cost and length of time it would take, also saying he would prefer faster action with various federal government agencies. However, he also hasn't ruled out a public inquiry.

Green Party leader Andrew Weaver posed the question about the future of public inquiry into money laundering while in Question Period this morning.

Guest: Andrew Weaver

Leader of the BC Green Party