The B.C. government is pressing the pause button on new resource development in the ongoing struggle to deal with long-term caribou protection strategies in the northeast part of the province.

Premier John Horgan announced on Thursday an interim moratorium on new resource development in parts of northeastern British Columbia to provide time for engagement with affected communities and industries.

The moratorium was one of the suggestions brought forward by former B.C. Liberal minister Blair Lekstrom, who had been hired by the province to consult with the community around the caribou plan.

Guest: Mike Bernier

BC Liberals MLA for Peace River South

The B.C. government is pressing the pause button on new resource development in the ongoing struggle to deal with long-term caribou protection strategies in the northeast part of the province.

Premier John Horgan announced on Thursday an interim moratorium on new resource development in parts of northeastern British Columbia to provide time for engagement with affected communities and industries.

The moratorium was one of the suggestions brought forward by former B.C. Liberal minister Blair Lekstrom, who had been hired by the province to consult with the community around the caribou plan.

Guest: Mike Bernier

BC Liberals MLA for Peace River South