Premier John Horgan says he is just as upset as anyone in British Columbia, but Premier John Horgan isn't yet ready to call a public inquiry into how a gang based in China has flooded BC with fentanyl and corrupted the casino industry and the housing sector. He says their initial plan was to prosecute the criminals.

Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West has been very vocal about his feelings on the issue of money laundering in British Columbia. He has demanded that the government launch a public inquiry into the issue, so how does he feel when he hears the Premier say that he is not willing to pursue an inquiry?

Guest: Brad West

Mayor of Port Coquitlam

Premier John Horgan says he is just as upset as anyone in British Columbia, but Premier John Horgan isn't yet ready to call a public inquiry into how a gang based in China has flooded BC with fentanyl and corrupted the casino industry and the housing sector. He says their initial plan was to prosecute the criminals.

Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West has been very vocal about his feelings on the issue of money laundering in British Columbia. He has demanded that the government launch a public inquiry into the issue, so how does he feel when he hears the Premier say that he is not willing to pursue an inquiry?

Guest: Brad West

Mayor of Port Coquitlam