Today’s episode is: An unusual Sherlock Holmes story. This is a conversation between Holmes and Watson on deduction, the Holmesian method, and the bizarre antics of the world's most famous fictional detective. Interesting background to some Holmes stories we'll be sharing soon. Learn more: Story Genres: Fiction, Detective, Mystery, Crime. Famous books by this author: "A Study in Scarlet" "Lost World" "The Hounds of the Baskervilles" And many others. -----What is Morning Short? ------- Morning Short is a podcast and daily newsletter featuring amazing, curated short stories, handpicked for you. Our stories are like little audiobooks, and feature everything from romance, to sci-fi thrillers, to drama, and even detective/crime fiction. We sometimes even welcome special guests to our story, like Sherlock Holmes, everyone's favorite sleuth (or at least ours). Other popular genres are fantasy, comedy, satire, and tragedy. We even read some narrative poetry sometimes! (Some say we're a bit like Audible for short stories) -----Why listen to Morning Short audiobooks? ------- Most of our readers just want a great story, every day or every week. They love the mystery aspect of it too, not knowing what story/genre/author will come next. Many readers use our service to improve their writing skills. We don't offer writing tips, but we feature a wide variety of legendary authors from around the world. Reading good literature is one of the best ways to improve your own writing skill. Others listen to us to improve their English. We're not an English-language course, but our stories are helpful for grasping idioms and english writing styles. They’re meant to entertain you while you commute or work out, help you improve your reading and writing skills, and generally just make you happier. Enjoy our amazing fiction! If you like the short audiobook format, let us know!

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