Beware of the C-students and the underachievers. There will always be people around who will tell you that you “can’t” do something or that you should not even try. They have settled on mediocrity, don’t let them force that thinking on you.

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

*Professor Paul*

Alrighty, here we go again. Thank you of course to Pop Evil and my friend Matt for that fantastic intro music that gets us going get this pumped up every morning. That's what I wanted. That's what I wanted for the morning mindset podcast and want anything that low. I wanted something that would get you pumped up your blood moving. It's ready for a new day. Alright, you may have read the title this before you hit play Beware of the C-students are like the C-students. Yeah, you know like when you're in school and you get grades A-B-C-D-E-F. Yes, something strange. Where do how do we skip he and go to F. You're like f stands for failure. I understand that but the other letters don't stand for anything.


Are you like “A stands for awesome and B stands for Bravo”? When I was in kindergarten as I'm going to take you back way back, I remember. Bringing home report cards because I sought my parents saved my report cards throughout the years. I saw my kindergarten report cards and you had Stars & Hearts and like, smiley faces and all kinds of weird stuff and then I went to first grade and when I was in first grade, they actually use an A through E system. Yeah, you're like no just a lie, and now my parents save the report cards and a was the best grade in Easy was a failing grade. But let's talk about C-students.


What is a  C-student? Is a C-student the absolute worst? No, they're not is a C-student the absolute best. No, a  C-student is somebody that does just enough. To get by now. You could say you could argue the fact that well a D-student, you know if you get a D+, you know, as Tommy Boy did there you still pass even though it was a D but let's just talk about C-students. Let's talk about people who aren't they don't really want to excel they're not trying to be the best there, but they don't want to fail either so they just do enough to get by.


The Underachievers of life now, why should you be aware of them know if you are listening to this podcast if you are a fan of the show if you read books about bettering yourself, if you have gone to training classes or schools or seminars if you've decided that you are not going to settle for average, and maybe you're going to venture out and you're going to try something new whatever that new thing is. I don't know could be motorcycle riding or playing an instrument or maybe you're going to try for a different job or you're going to attempt to change career fields or whatever.


You take a risk you're going to go out there you going to do something do something new something different. What do we encounter, and I would be extremely surprised. If you do not encounter these people in your life. They C-students and The Underachievers that are perfectly satisfied to be mediocre. But the problem with the C-student in the underachiever. Is they can be very very happy and intellectually, you know pleased with themselves that they're psychologically comfortable being Underachievers and B & C-students, as long as they're not around other people who are attempting to do more.


Or should you better or to achieve more? You see the C-student in the underachiever doesn't hang out with the the A and B kids or the A and B people or the overachievers or what have you because why because they feel bad because the C-student in the underachiever, they know, you know at the end of the day in or when they look in the mirror. They know that they're doing just enough. To get by they're not in the poor house and they're not failing but they're not really excelling either. They're doing that, bare minimum just enough to stay off the radar and you know to get by and that's fine with them and they can be psychologically comfortable with that until they run into you or someone else who has the motivation and drive and is trying very hard to be an A-student.


Trying to do something more with their lives trying to achieve trying to do something different and beneficial, and when the C-student sees that when the underachiever when they encounter you. Well, it kind of like shines the light on their average nests on their mediocrity going to like that, and so it's C-students and Underachievers will do is it will say to you things like. Why are you working so hard why you trying to work so hard they will convince you or they will attempt to convince you that you can't do something. You can't and you shouldn't even try. Well and mediocrity mediocre, she's me and The Underachievers. They will say things like, you know, if you do that, there's this chance or percentage of failure. Why would you risk? Why would you risk your good job? Why would you risk your career? Why would you why would you do any of that when it's not a guarantee?


You know what if you try and you fail, are you prepared for that? You know what if you try that business in the business doesn't succeed. Well, then you're a failure. No, not necessarily a failure. You start again you do it again. You see the mediocre or they will criticize I forgot about this part or the C-student or the underachiever will see what you're doing, and then they will they will pick it apart. They will find little problems with what you're doing to what Andy should pull this is really psychologically Twisted. Yeah, it is psychologically Twisted but it is a very genuine and real situation. It is a reality. Of the world that we live in. Often you will try it you and why do people not attempt to achieve why do people you know, stay where they are.


They're not necessarily happy and they decide I'm going to try something new and at maybe family members, you know you some of your family members maybe C-students. Your friends our co-workers, maybe C-students and you tell them you're like, you know, I've got this idea. I've got an idea now. Like I said before I did this for if you tell your wife or your parents, you're like, I've got a great idea. I'm going to go out tomorrow and start a VCR repair shop. Now if they love you, they'll say that's probably not a great idea, and here's why that's not being an underachiever that's being realistic and practical.


But have you told people I have this dream or this desire or I'm going to do this and the first thing out of their mouth is to tell you why it's a bad idea and why you can't why you shouldn't try and they'll throw all these statistics about failure and so forth. You know why they can do that because that's how they lead their lives. That's how they live their lives. They don't attempt to achieve because they've already decided that if they do or they try they're going to fail. So why bother. what kind of a world would we live in if everyone decided to settle and be a C-student?


Look at all the technological marvels that we have every day, that you use everyday alright the phone or the tablet or the iPad that you're using to listen to this show is a technological Marvel and it didn't become that way. It didn't happen because people thought and why even try. Stop listening to the C-students. Stop taking the advice of the underachiever and stop allowing people to talk you out of success. Everyone has choices to make in their lives. Some people have made the choice to do the absolute minimum that they need to get by and that's fine.


You know, you're well within your rights to do the minimum to get by but what happens is when those people see you and they find you talk to them or they encounter you and you're like I'm going to do this. I'm gonna try this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to know right now what, why? Why are you going to do that? Why you don't work so hard? Why are you going to work harder than you have to? How many times have you heard that dude? You're working harder than you have to you shouldn't no one expects you to work that hard.


No one expects you to achieve. No one expects you maybe you expect it from yourself. Maybe you should expect it from yourself. The next time that you have that you're feeling motivated that you feel like you're going to try something new that you're going to venture out that you're going to expand your knowledge base or your skill base and someone tells you don't try. That person is an underachiever, they’re a C-student. They've already settled and they want you to be the same way. You know nod your head or smile or whatever, but don't take their advice.


Don't let the C-students, don't let the underachievers bring you down or keep you down you're better now. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, thank you. Once again for being a part of the morning mindset podcast audience. Thank you for sharing this with other people letting people know about it. Maybe you have friends or family or coworkers that you feel like could benefit from it, and as I said before we do have an actual website if you feel like doing that go to I'm your host Paul Markel, and I will talk to you again real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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