General George Patton told his troops that they would grab the enemy by the nose and kick them in the pants.

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

*Professor Paul*

Alright, welcome back to Morning Mindset. It's that time again, I hope you're excited. I hope you're as excited to be here as I am to be talking into this black microphone. Now, we're continuing with our book study and we're coming very, very close to the end. We are on in the Morning Mindset book Morning Mindset: a 30 Day Plan for a More Positive and Productive Life by Yours Truly, Paul Markel.


We are on chapter 4, section #24, and today the topic is Grab it by the Nose. What does that even mean? Well, General George Patton was one of the most famous generals, he is one of the most famous generals in the history of the United States of America, and Patton was very fond of saying or telling his troops when it came to engaging the enemy.


"We're going to grab them by the nose, and we're going to kick them in the pants", used to tell his aids, used to refer to this as his "Grab Them by the Nose" Speech. "Okay Paul, that's fantastic, but I'm not a General and I'm not in the Army, and I'm not facing an enemy. So how does 'Grab it by the Nose' affect me, and what does that have to do with leading a positive and productive life?" Well, I'm going to tell you, thank you very much for asking.


Everyone in my listening audience, everyone on the planet at some point in time, you are going to encounter a problem. A difficulty, a choice, you're going to have to make a choice in your life and you can do one of two things. You can either grab it by the nose and address it directly, or you can do the opposite you can put off dealing with the problem.


You can offer half-solutions, you can pretend that the problem doesn't exist, and just hope that it goes away on its own. Now if you're sitting having a mature, rational conversation with someone, you probably will admit that most problems, most issues that we have in our lives, whether it's a personal issue at home or whether it's a work issue or whatever it happens to be. Ignoring them doesn't make them go away.


Does it? How many of you own a business, or are a manager, or a supervisor in a business, and you understand that ignoring the problems does not make them go away. As a matter of fact, what have you learned by experience? Well, if you're an experienced business person, you probably have learned that ignoring problems doesn't make them better, it generally makes them worse. When we encounter a difficulty a situation, which will require us to make a decision.


Often we don't want to make decisions, because if we make the decision and it's the wrong one. Well, then it reflects poorly on us, and what is the what are we taught today? What are we shown today? If you make a decision and you're wrong, well, then it looks bad. So just don't make a decision. But that's not how we solve problems.


That's not how we fix things. That's not how we move on and Lead positive and productive lives. Is it now? So the next time that you encounter a problem and issue a situation that requires your attention. Rather than put it off rather than pretend that it doesn't exist. You need to immediately address it. Grab it by the nose and kick it in the pants. Think about it.


If you went to your doctor, you're having some type of issues and you had a bunch of lab tests and your doctor called you, and said "I need you to come in. We need to talk about these lab tests" and he says we found cancer. Now if your doctor said, "We have found cancer in a certain place", do you say "Well, let's go ahead and ignore that for a few months and just see if it gets better on its own."


If I don't address it, if I pretend that it's not there, that eventually, it'll just go away, right? Is that how that works? No, of course, it's not how it works. You wouldn't want to do that, that would be a death sentence. You couldn't just say or you shouldn't just say "Well, I'm sure that it'll probably just get better on its own if I just go about my business and forget it." No, it's not going to whether it's a problem with a friend or relative or family member, whether you have an issue at work. Simply ignoring it, simply pretending or offering half Solutions.


How many of you are in a business relationship or in a business situation where you can legitimately say that the problems in your work or at your place of business have not been addressed because the powers that be the boss is in the supervisors and managers rather than addressing the problem directly. Instead, they offer half Solutions or partial Solutions or weak Solutions.


If you ever had a problem with a co-worker or if you ever work somewhere where you knew that someone was a bad worker, you knew that they needed to go, you knew that they weren't going to get any better, and yet the bosses, or the supervisors, or the managers rather than address the problem head-on where than grab it by the nose and say "Look, this is a problem. This is the issue, we're going to deal with it"


What do they do instead? Well, maybe if we just give it one more shot, or one more chance, or one more this, or one more that, or maybe know, and what happens does it get better? You're out there in the audience. You're like no it didn't get better at all. Actually, it got worse, the situation got even worse than it was initially.


So take the advice of General George Patton, one of the greatest Generals in the history of the United States of America. When you're confronted with an issue, when you're confronted with a problem, rather than offer half-solutions or instead pretend like it doesn't exist, grab it by the nose. Kick that problem right in the pants, deal with it and move on with your life.


Alright, that's all I've got for you guys today. If for some reason this is the first time you're listening to the Morning Mindset podcast, thank you very much for showing up and congratulations on your excellent decision-making skills. If you are just recently tuning in and you just recently discovered that there actually is a Morning Mindset book.


Well, you can go to and pick up a paperback or Kindle version or if you really really really like and a signed autographed copy of the book. You can go to, follow the appropriate links and you can get. Alright, I'm your host Paul Markel. I'll talk to you again, real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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