In engineering, the addition of a relief valve is critical for the integrity of a high-pressure machine. Humans need relief valves too.  Who is your relief valve? Do you even have one?

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

*Professor Paul*

Hello, welcome back to Morning Mindset, and we are going to continue with our Morning Mindset book study. Now, on the off chance that this may be the first time you're listening to this show, welcome. I'm glad that you're here. If you would like to join us for the Morning Mindset books study, and we don't always do a book study, but we're doing it now.


You can go to and you can get yourself a paperback version that's Morning Mindset: a 30 Day Plan for a More Positive and Productive Life, by Yours Truly, Paul Markel. M-A-R-K-E-L, in case you didn't know how to spell that. You can get yourself a Kindle version to put on your phone or your tablet or your iPad or what have you, and if you would really really really like to have a signed autographed copy of the book. You can go to and follow the appropriate links to the gear store.


There you go. Let's talk about relief valves if you've ever studied engineering or physics or machinery. You probably know or understand that there are many machines and devices out there in our world that operate under high pressure and very high pressure machine, especially those that use steam or their pneumatic or their hard rowlock or what have you they have a built-in relief valve and then they may have more than one, and there are relief valve is there so that if the pressure gets too high if it reaches critical levels.

Levels that are so critical that are so high so much pressure that it could destroy the machine. It could destroy the equipment. It could have a catastrophic failure the relief valve kicks in and it bleeds off that excess pressure so that we don't have a catastrophic failure. Now, I know that you're not a machine, that you're a human being. But being a human, being a person, male or female, whichever you happen to be, there are going to be times in your life. When you are confronted with pressure. With stresses, with unusual things or more than you normally are able or required to handle.


You feel like the pressure is building, and it's building and it's building, and if you don't let it out, you're going to reach critical mass. You're going to have a catastrophic failure. What I want you to do, I want you to think about is who is your relief valve? From a personal standpoint, there are several people in my life, that I consider being my own relief valves.


I can call them day or night. I can send him a text and say Hey you have time for a call or I can just call them flat out and they are there for me and they have been they will sit and they will listen to me. They will listen to me Rants and talk and complain and so forth and then offer me their advice. Or maybe not even advice, a good relief valve sometimes is just there to listen, and often just having someone listen to you is enough to relieve the pressure. To relieve the stress, to blow it off. Blow off some steam. That's why we call "Blowing it off", you know blow off steam is actually a real thing.


It goes back to relief valves. You know, if you allow the steam engine, if you don't relieve some of that pressure, it will explode will be a catastrophic failure. Now, relief valve goes two ways, or at least when it comes to human beings. You need to not just be the person who complains to your friends or neighbors or relatives or whoever it is, that you relief at all the time.


You need to be their relief valve as well, people need to understand that you will be there to listen to them. That you will pick up the phone, that you will answer the call, whether it's daytime or nighttime or what have you. It's very important to have a reciprocal relationship when it comes to being a relief valve, or having a relief valve. Because eventually what will happen, if all you ever do is complain to your friend or friends or whoever happens to be you're going to burn them out, and they're not going to want to talk to you, because they'll see the phone ringing, they'll think "There he is again. If I pick up the phone, he's going to complain."


If you're going to be a relief valve, you need to share the joys and the successes in your life, as well as the frustrations, and you need to allow other people to do that as well. Sometimes being a good relief valve is just answering the phone and listening or sitting down over, you know, an adult beverage or a coffee or whatever and listening, and it's a two-way street.


I'm hoping that when you hear this, that when you're listening to this, that you're thinking, you've imagined that person in your life. Who is your relief valve, you think, "You know? What I never thought of it in those words or in that way. But yeah this person that person is my relief valve."

You know what's a good way to maintain a relationship with your relief valve or multiple relief valves? Let them know let them know that you appreciate it. Send him a text. She sent him a text out of the blue that says thanks for being my relief valve and just let it go at that. You don't you don't have to not be complicated.


You don't need to get all mushy and emotional just like "Hey, thanks. I appreciate it." Everyone who's listening, male or female, man or woman, if you're listening to me, at some point in time you're going to experience stress, pressure more than you want to handle. More stupidity than you feel like you should need to handle, or you need somebody to just to talk to, and that is your relief valve and it's good to culminate those people, and have more than one.


But you also need to understand that that relationship needs to be reciprocal. You need to be the one who picks up the phone and listens, as well as the one who, you know makes the call and complains. I wanted you guys to know that I want you to think about that because it is a tough time in our world.


Everybody goes through tough times, and it really helps if you have one or more people out there, a person or persons who can be your relief valve. So think about that today, who is your relief valve, and when is the last time you thanked them or let them know that you really appreciated the fact that they were out there to allow you to vent off that excess steam that builds up over time?


Alright, ladies and gentlemen, that is it for today. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being a member of the Morning Mindset audience. I'm your host Paul Markel, and I will talk to you again real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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