Some patterns or habits can lead to productive efforts and creativity. Coffee, cigar, etc.

Also, I am going to start a Morning Mindset Book Study, beginning Sept. 4th. If you would like to read/study along, Click Here and use the code MMBookStudy at checkout for 20% OFF your autographed book!

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

*Professor Paul*

Hello, welcome back to Morning Mindset. How are you guys doing today? Alright. Fantastic. I'm glad to hear it. Nothing like one-way conversations, huh, and I hope you guys are looking forward to the book study as much as I am. I'm looking forward to the book study, which we will be in next week.


Alright, I've speaking of books and writing. I've been writing professionally for. Oh least 25 years now, going on a little bit more than 25 years and I've probably written I don't know over a thousand articles and about a dozen books or so and one of the things I developed over the years is a pattern or a habit for my writing and my creative endeavors and yes, it is a creative Endeavor because you have to take the words and come up with something. Hopefully that people will enjoy and is intelligent and make sense to them and I started. Oh man, I guess with my very first book. I mean it was my second book. I can't remember I would sit down and I would light a cigar, and I would write the notes.


I would write the notes for myself because back then when I first started when I first began writing, I didn't use a typewriter. I wasn't like Hemingway. I wasn't, you know hacking on the keys there. I knew how to type but. Now when I first started writing the only computer that was available to me we had word processors and you know, we had desktops remember the old desktops with the big white tube monitors and so forth and I didn't smoke.


I don't smoke cigars inside of the house. I'll smoke in the garage or smoking outside and I certainly didn't smoke cigars when I was in my office at work. So I would light a cigar and would take either a spiral bound notebook or a yellow notepad, and I would sketch out all of the topics and highlights for whatever I was going to write.


I would take all the notes and I would do that while I was smoking my cigar and then well due to the miracle in the Advent of Technology. When laptops became more prevalent. I remember when laptops were super expensive and the. People that have them were business people because they were paid for with business accounts and you know, they were in the oh thousands of dollars, you know.


But now obviously laptops are available to just about anybody who would possibly want one and you can take your your writing tool anywhere. You want to go outside into the you know into the garage or what have you and so that is what I do. Now when I'm working on a writing project. Generally if I need to sit down have some quiet time time and do some creative thinking I will Brew myself a cup of coffee.


Depending a good dark roast coffee and I will light a cigar and then I will begin writing sit down and I'll go through the writing process and that is my process. That is my pattern. That is something that I've developed over the years and as silly as it sounds you like well couldn't you just write without any of those things?


Yeah, I could but I don't want to and I feel comfortable doing that. I have my process. I have my pattern. The human beings are creatures of habit. As you know, we have good habits, and then we have bad habits. We have habits that help us to be productive and then some people have destructive habits that don't help you at all.


They take away from the positive. But they productive pattern that I've developed through my writing. I feel well I know from my own personal standpoint that it helps me that it aids me in the process of getting myself ready to write to create to put words down on paper many athletes if you talk to a person who makes their living as an athlete or who is a professional athlete.


They have a routine a pattern. They have something that they go through to prepare themselves to do that endeavor, whatever. It happens to be and it helps them both physically and psychologically to prepare for the task at hand if you are stuck. From a creative standpoint. Maybe you need to create maybe you need to produce.


Maybe you need to be productive and you find that you're getting stuck. You might want to examine your own habits and figure out whether or not you have a positive pattern or a productive pattern or whether or not your pattern is all screwed up maybe. You used to do it one way and then you moved your changed offices or you did something else, and now you find that things don't they? Don't flow the way they used to flow. I know that I liked you. I have actually have a favorite chair. I have a favorite chair that I sit in and I've had that chair now for I don't know at least 11 years or so. I've had that chair and with my butt in that chair, I have written tens of thousands probably hundreds of thousands of words sitting in that chair got my little root.


My little table got my ashtray. I got my work. My cigar goes I got where my coffee cup goes got my laptop and I sit and I produce and it helps me to do that. Maybe if you're not comfortable, maybe if you don't feel like you're performing the way that you should pursue be performing. It's because your pattern has gotten screwed up someone moved your cheese.


Yes, A friend of mine told me years ago about the book who Moved My Cheese and it's about how human beings don't enjoy or they get screwed up when things change and things are different. So maybe what you need to do for yourself. If N, I would recommend this to you if you are beginning or starting on a journey where you're going to have to write or create or produce.


A positive pattern a good habit something that made helps you get ready to do it, and I know that people say it doesn't you know, if you're a pro you should be able to do anything-- anywhere on demand. I like how people say that it's like,  professional comedians people who make their living doing comedy and if you I actually have a good friend of mine who's a stand-up comic and he's, you know been on TV and in movies and so forth and and when people say, oh you're comedian say something funny, That's not how that works.


Alright, well if you're really if you're really good at it, you just be able to do it right there really how that works says the person who doesn't do it for a living. I have a very similar situation where I've been put on the spot where someone will say, come up with I need two sentences for this go.


Unless and they so that's how that works. You don't just say go when I turned it on now. I'll probably be able to come up with something for you, but I don't work on demand like that. So if you're looking for a way to help you improve your creativity or increase your creativity or productivity.


Consider your pattern consider the pattern that you use or the Habit that you use and and you're going to be unique. Everyone's going to be unique maybe like to brew iced tea or maybe like I don't know whatever your bag is man, but you know, my productive pattern for writing is I breathe the coffee.


I like the cigar. I sit down. I open the laptop. I have my favorite chair and boom I produce, and it's been it's worked out well for me and hopefully that you will you will be able to develop positive. Patterns and habits to enable yourself to create if I just share that with you guys. Alright now, we got a couple of episodes and then we will be into the book study.


The Morning Mindset books that is going to start on September 4th, and if you would like to join us, I hope that you want to join us and read along and you know, go chapter 1-2-3 all that good stuff. The Morning Mindset Books available on Amazon is available on Kindle and if you go to you can order yourself up an autographed copy. Alright, folks. I am your host Paul Markle and I will talk to you again real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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