Sometimes you cannot see what other people can see. After you gain experience, you can see what others have been seeing all along.

Also, I am going to start a Morning Mindset Book Study, beginning Sept. 4th. If you would like to read/study along, Click Here and use the code MMBookStudy at checkout for 20% OFF your autographed book!

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

*Professor Paul*

Hello and welcome back to another Morning Mindset episode. Thank you very much for joining me, and we're getting closer and closer by the day to the 4th of September 2018, and what's significant about that day? That is the episode that we're going to begin our Morning Mindset book study. Yes. I'm going to take the Morning Mindset book Morning Mindset a 30 day plan for more positive and productive life and we're going to do 30.


Yes, 30 episodes where we do a book study. So if you'd like to join us, if you'd like to be a part of that, it's really not all that difficult. You can go to Amazon, type in “Morning Mindset, Paul Markel” or “Morning Mindset book” or whatever, the one that I did and you can order it as a prime and it'll be sent to you in a couple days, or you can go to obviously Kindle you can get a Kindle version of that and put it on your phone and and you can read along and join us or if you would like a signed autographed copy of the book Morning Mindset: A 30 Day Plan for a More Positive & Productive Life. You can go to, and then after you're there, you can click the purchase our merchandise. You guys are smart.


Alright, so that's coming up, and also remember that on Labor Day, Labor Day weekend is coming up if you're listening to this when it's new . If you're listening to this in the future labor days already happened, but we're going to be taking that day off. I'm going to be taking a long weekend, so there you go. But for now, let's go ahead and talk about the topic of the day.


Know What You Are Looking For. Know, Understand, Realize, Know What You Are Looking For. Recently I was out in the field again, and you know, if you guys have been paying attention, you know that I like to get inspiration by going out into the field, into the woods, into the mountains, out into the fields. That's where I go to get my inspiration most of the time, and I was thinking about my life and my children, as a my children have grown and when they were younger, we used to take them out into the fields in Ohio to hunt, the elusive Groundhog.


That's right the woodchuck and you're like, “Why would you do that?” Well, groundhogs, woodchucks, marmots, whatever you want to call them are obtained their the bane of the farmers existence, and also gardeners as well. A couple of groundhogs or one fat groundhog can ruin a vegetable garden in just a couple of nights of raiding, and of course if you have a farm, you have cattle or horses or what have you, the groundhogs they go and they dig holes all over the pastures and the horses of the cattle step in the holes and they break their legs and then they have to be shot or what have you so.


Most farmers in Ohio or Pennsylvania or Indiana or anywhere where there groundhogs, are more than happy to have you go out and eliminate or reduce the number of groundhogs in their fields, and that's something that I would do a bunch during the basically from the spring to the fall and I took my oldest son with me, and it took him you were gonna shoot some groundhogs.


We're looking for him and there, you know fat brown furry creatures and they hide in the Alfalfa and edges of fields and so forth. So we're walking around and you know, I would see one I would spot it and I pointed out to Jarrad like “Hey, there is right there” and he would look and he would stare. “I don't see it”, and I saw it. I could see it like “No, it's right there, over there”, “I don't see it” and you know, eventually maybe he would see it or not and my children both my daughter and my oldest son, I took him out and they both shot groundhogs and so forth.


I remember Jarrad saying to me something. “How did you see that? How do you see these things?" and I said, “Well, you learn to look. You learn to look for the differences. You realize what is supposed to be there when you're looking at a field, and then you see and you notice the difference that changes the things that are because they are pretty well camouflaged and they don't just stand there staring around, you know for you to find them in recently.”



Now that I'm in Wyoming we have these things called prairie dogs, and they're essentially if you took a species of rat with short tails and you put them out into the desert and the planes and so forth. That's what they are. They're desert rats, and we had some folks come up to shoot prairie dogs and one guy was here for the very first time when we were driving around the fields and we were trying to spot them and find them, and my friend was in the front seat and he would spot one and he would call it out to his friend who was here for the first time, and he'd say “Look right there, you see it?” and he would give him directions.


“Okay, straight out, 70-80 yards, 100 yards” or whatever, you know “Go to the mound and then go right and then go down a little bit and there.” Yes, and the poor guy in the back, he just was like “I can't see it”, and you know Matt finally, “It's okay” he said eventually, “You will learn to see it” and in our lives, other people, often can see what we can't see and we become very frustrated, because we feel like well, how can that other person see that? How can they realize it? How can they pick up on that and I can't?


Well, the reason is is a they have a lot of experience and they know what they're looking for. You know, when you're out in the field if you're searching for an elusive animal and I know that prairie dogs and groundhogs might not be that elusive, but there are many elusive animals out there, and in order to find them you need to know what you're looking for. Often in our lives, we can't find what we're looking for. We don't see it other people seem to be able to perceive what we're looking for. We're looking for but we can't we get frustrated. How is it that you learn to see things? How is it that you develop that skill? How is it that some people are able to go and pick it out, and it seems very, very obvious to them and other people can't?


I mean they both have functioning eyes. They're both looking at the same thing and often we will look, you know at the same thing as someone else and we will see something different and you need to know what you're looking for. So if you, say don't have a goal a career goal in mind, Know What You Are Looking For. Maybe the reason that you're not finding what you're expecting to find, that you're not seeing what you expect to see, is because you right now you don't really know what you're looking for.


Maybe that may be something that you need to change in your life or improve upon and the more experience in the more knowledge and more education. You get the easier, it will be for you to know what you're looking for and to find that thing. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, that's it for today. I'm going to go ahead and let you guys go and remind you that the Morning Mindset book is available and I would love for you guys to join us for the book study, which is only about a week away. Alright, I am your host Paul Markel. I'll talk to you again, real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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