On today’s podcast, I have special guest,

Brian Ondrako. 

Brian and I talk about Discovering Your

One Word as a Navigator.



and foremost, Brian is a dad to an amazing young boy that keeps him young and



is a Podcast Host, Blogger, writes books, and consults Solopreneurs and

Start-ups on the best Sales Practices to grow their businesses.

His story is similar to many others. For many years after

college and through his 20s, he felt like life was just passing him by, feeling

very complacent, unsure of where life was heading and what his purpose was.


This dark period turned into an awakening of sorts and after a

renewed focus on my curiosity, it opened the door to what Brian calls his

“Renaissance Period”.


What Brian discovered through his journey is that he is a

NAVIGATOR and his “North Star” is to help navigate people to Just Get Started.


It starts from within.


It starts with the understanding that we cannot discover

happiness until we discover ourselves.


He feels that if we can focus on building that awareness then

we’ll have a greater appreciation for the world around us and create the

building blocks for a happier and more fulfilling life. 



Where to find Brian:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/brianondrako 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brianondrako/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianondrako/ 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@brianondrako 

Substack: https://brianondrako.substack.com/

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