More Than Small Talk with Suzanne, Holley, & Jennifer (KLRC) artwork

More Than Small Talk with Suzanne, Holley, & Jennifer (KLRC)

482 episodes - English - Latest episode: 9 days ago - ★★★★★ - 188 ratings

Suzie Eller, Holley Gerth and Jennifer Watson, authors and real-life friends, invite you each week to go deeper, become freer and feel more connected. Every episode includes a confession question as well as helpful truths, tips and resources. If you want more peace and less stress, more vulnerability and less trying to be perfect, more hope and less hustle this is the podcast for you.

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A Little More: Healing Conversations

June 19, 2020 05:00 - 4 minutes - 3.22 MB

Feeling overwhelmed or disheartened by all that’s happening in our world right now? We’re sharing a short excerpt from a recent healing conversation we had with Nicola and James Hawkins to give you hope.

Respond Instead of React (Episode 80)

June 18, 2020 05:00 - 26 minutes - 18.3 MB

With all that’s going on in our world, it’s easy to react instead of respond. We’ll help you know you’re not the only one and give you the encouragement and tools you need.

What Does Being Close Mean? (Episode 79)

June 11, 2020 05:00 - 25 minutes - 17.3 MB

Confession Question: What does it mean to you to be close to someone? We’ve learned intimacy isn’t about proximity. We explore what it means to connect in ways that matter.

Not Going Back (Episode 78)

June 04, 2020 05:00 - 17 minutes - 12 MB

Confession Question: What do you not want to go back to when this is over? We’re ready to move forward and also want to leave some things behind so we can travel lighter when we do.

New Normal (Episode 77)

May 28, 2020 05:00 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

Confession Question: What’s your quarantine personality type? How will you be different going forward? A little laughter and a look at how this challenging time can be transformational.

Ready for Anything (Episode 76)

May 21, 2020 05:00 - 22 minutes - 15.8 MB

Confession Question: What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “ready for anything”? Guest Kathi Lipp shares how to prepare for whatever comes in encouraging, practical ways.

Battle Cry (Episode 75)

May 14, 2020 05:00 - 28 minutes - 19.9 MB

Confession question: What's a time when you needed to be a warrior? We all face big and small battles. We share about fighting for our own hearts and the people we love, as well as what victory really looks like.

Unexpectedly Fiercehearted (Episode 74)

May 07, 2020 05:00 - 31 minutes - 21.4 MB

Confession Question: What's a time you wanted to give up but didn't? We all need courage and perseverance right now. We’ll share about how to move forward and keep your heart open.

A Storm Free Life (Episode 73)

April 30, 2020 05:00 - 25 minutes - 17.6 MB

Confession question: How has a storm in your life changed you for the better? We’re all going through a storm right now and we have an honest conversation about what’s hard and why there’s hope.

Do That New Thing (Episode 72)

April 23, 2020 05:00 - 22 minutes - 15.9 MB

Confession Question: What's a new thing going on in your life right now? We talk about embracing the new, being empowered, and moving forward. Enjoying the podcast? We’d love for you to share a review on your favorite podcast app to help your friends find it too!

Holy Confidence (Episode 71)

April 16, 2020 05:00 - 15.3 MB

Confession Question: What’s a time when you met fear with holy confidence? Let’s not settle for self-esteem, let’s walk in holy confidence.

You're Not Crazy (Episode 70)

April 09, 2020 05:00 - 24 minutes - 16.6 MB

Confession Question: What makes you second-guess yourself? We talk about how to stay confident even when others challenge you or your question yourself.

The Two Sides of Fear (Episode 69)

April 02, 2020 05:00 - 21 minutes - 15 MB

Confession Question: What’s a story of when fear helped you? What’s a story of when fear sabotaged you? We’re all dealing with fear these days and we’ll talk about how to thrive through it.

Coming Together When You Disagree (Episode 68)

March 26, 2020 05:00 - 27 minutes - 19.5 MB

Confession Question: How was someone loved you well even when you disagreed? Whether on social media or at the supper table, disagreements happens. We talk about why that’s hard and how we can handle it.

Handling ALL The Emotions: A Covid-19 Update

March 21, 2020 05:00 - 26 minutes - 18 MB

Thanks for joining us for this bonus episode, 4th chair friends! Today we're sharing how we're coping with ALL the emotions from the last few weeks.

When You Don't Like Humans (Episode 67)

March 19, 2020 05:00 - 22 minutes - 16.1 MB

Confession Question: How are you tempted to be cynical about humanity? We talk about what it means to love well in the age of rudeness and social media rants.

The Pressure to Be Productive (Episode 66)

March 12, 2020 05:00 - 25 minutes - 17.8 MB

Confession Question: How do you put pressure on yourself to be productive? Kara Culver joins us for a conversation about how we can resist the urge to optimize our lives and overcome the stress of pursuing perfection

She's Back! (Episode 65)

March 05, 2020 06:00 - 25 minutes - 17.8 MB

Suzie is back after her cancer surgery. Woo-hoo! We talk about her journey, what she’s learned, and what’s ahead. You’ll be encouraged.

Finding Your Brave Place (Episode 64)

February 27, 2020 06:00 - 22 minutes - 15.5 MB

Confession Question: What’s a space in your life that felt unsafe but has become a brave place? Guest Christy Rodriguez talks with us about overcoming fear and daring to step into all God has for us.

When God Feels Gone (Episode 63)

February 20, 2020 06:00 - 23 minutes - 15.9 MB

Confession Question: Have you ever come to a point in your life when you questioned if God was even there? Guest Michele Cushatt gets real about doubt, fear, and overcoming our darkest moments.

All The Single Ladies (Episode 62)

February 13, 2020 06:00 - 22 minutes - 15.5 MB

Confession Question: What do you wish people knew about being single? Guest Jenn Hand answers, talks about coming alive, and shares how we can love others well.

Confession Questions (Episode 61)

February 06, 2020 06:00 - 24 minutes - 17.2 MB

We answer YOUR questions. Join us for some laughter, life wisdom, and a few surprising things you might not know about us.

Not Right Now (Episode 60)

January 30, 2020 06:00 - 19 minutes - 13.7 MB

Ever really wanted something to happen but God's answer seems to be "not right now"? We talk about those times in our lives, what's hard about them, and how we can wait well.

When Our "But" Gets in the Way - (Episode 59)

January 23, 2020 06:00 - 17 minutes - 12.3 MB

Confession Question: What's one of your favorite excuses? We've got plenty and we're sharing them, along with how we can all overcome excuses and move forward this year.

What's Your God Sized Dream? (Episode 58)

January 16, 2020 06:00 - 24 minutes - 16.6 MB

A God-sized dream might not be what you think. It isn't about a BIG dream but discovering God's best for you right where you are. We talk about how to do that in 2020.

Your Un-Word for the Year (Episode 57)

January 09, 2020 06:00 - 15 minutes - 10.6 MB

Confession Question: What's one word you'd like to eliminate from your life this year? Everyone is chatting about their words for the year, but we're talking about the words we're leaving behind. Bye-bye.

What Matters Most (Episode 56)

January 02, 2020 06:00 - 23 minutes - 55.4 MB

Confession Question: How would you spend this year if you knew it were your last? Don't worry--we won't get too heavy. But we will talk through how we can make the most of our one wild and precious lives, starting now.

How Did We Do in 2019? (Episode 55)

December 26, 2019 06:00 - 20 minutes - 14.5 MB

In our very first episode we asked, “What's one way that we might want to live our life differently in the next 12 months?” We confess how we did with our answers this year.

Suzie Has Cancer (Episode 54)

December 19, 2019 06:00 - 19 minutes - 13.7 MB

News we wish we didn’t need to share, how Suzie is doing, what she wants you to know, plus ways you can pray for her.

Best of Season 1: Body Unshaming (Episode 53)

December 12, 2019 06:00 - 22 minutes - 15.7 MB

Confession Question: What part of the way you look do you really like? We talk about body image, true confidence and what it really means to be beautiful.

Best of Season 1: Scarred and Beautiful (Episode 52)

December 05, 2019 06:00 - 21 minutes - 15 MB

Confession Question: If one of your scars could tell a story what would it be? We talk about how sometimes what we see as broken is actually beautiful.

Best of Season 1: The Truth About Counseling (Episode 51)

November 28, 2019 06:00 - 15 minutes - 10.8 MB

Confession Question: If someone close to you recommended that you go to counseling what would your response be? We'll give you a behind-the-scenes look at counseling, talk through myths about it and share why some of us would rather go to a session than a spa.

Best of Season 1: Depression Doesn't Define You (Episode 50)

November 21, 2019 06:00 - 22 minutes - 15.4 MB

Have you ever struggled with depression? Two of of us said a loud "yes!" without shame and all three of us have people we care about who would say the same. We get gut-honest about the battle against depression, why it means we're brave warriors and how we really can win.

Hustle-Less Holidays (Episode 49)

November 14, 2019 06:00 - 19 minutes - 13.7 MB

Confession Question: What's your most and least favorite part of the holidays? We talk about common challenges this time of year and how to prepare for them so we can have less stress and more joy.

Gratitude When You Have an Attitude (Episode 48)

November 07, 2019 06:00 - 16 minutes - 11.7 MB

Confession Question: What does it look like when you have an attitude? Join us for a conversation about how our attitudes sometimes get the best of us and what we can do about it--just in time for the holidays.

Clutter, Chaos, or Creativity? (Episode 47)

October 31, 2019 05:00 - 20 minutes - 15.1 MB

Confession Question: What's your favorite room in your house and why? Our outer environment has a huge impact on our inner well-being. We talk about creating spaces that help us thrive.

Finding Sacred Rest (Episode 46)

October 24, 2019 05:00 - 21 minutes - 29.5 MB

Confession Question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how tired are you and why? Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is our fourth chair friend in this episode where we talk about how we can have less stress and more rest in our lives.

The Truth About Counseling (Episode 45)

October 17, 2019 05:00 - 15 minutes - 10.7 MB

Confession Question: If someone close to you recommended that you go to counseling what would your response be? We'll give you a behind-the-scenes look at counseling, talk through myths about it and share why some of us would rather go to a session than a spa.

Loving Broken Leaders (Episode 44)

October 10, 2019 05:00 - 22 minutes - 15.3 MB

Confession Question: What do you wish people knew about what it's like to be a leader? Join us for an honest, timely conversation about why so many leaders seem to be burning out or giving up (and why you could too) as well as how we can all help each other.

Mental Health and the Church (Episode 43)

October 03, 2019 05:00 - 23 minutes - 16.3 MB

Confession Question: Have you ever faked being okay when you're not? It's time for a shame-free talk about mental health and ministry. Whether you struggle with mental health or love someone who does, we hope this conversation will help set you free.

Ever Feel Invisible? (Episode 42)

September 26, 2019 05:00 - 23 minutes - 16.5 MB

Confession Question: If you were in a superhero movie would you rather be the superhero or the sidekick? Author Julie Lyles Carr is our fourth chair friend in this episode where we talk about remembering we're valuable even when we feel invisible.

Scarred and Beautiful (Episode 41)

September 19, 2019 05:00 - 21 minutes - 15 MB

Confession Question: If one of your scars could tell a story what would it be? We talk about how sometimes what we see as broken is actually beautiful.

Body Unshaming (Episode 40)

September 12, 2019 05:00 - 22 minutes - 15.6 MB

Confession Question: What part of the way you look do you really like? We talk about body image, true confidence and what it really means to be beautiful.

Want to Run Away? (Episode 39)

September 05, 2019 14:01 - 17 minutes - 12 MB

Confession Question: Where would you go if you were going to run away from home? Have you ever wanted to?

Out of Control (Episode 38)

August 29, 2019 05:00 - 22 minutes - 15.8 MB

Confession Question: In what area do you struggle with self-control? What does that look like? Food, shopping, money--we all have an area that’s hard to control. We talk about how to break the cycle.

Longing to Belong (Episode 37)

August 22, 2019 05:00 - 23 minutes - 16.5 MB

Confession question: Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? What was that like? Author Kristen Strong joins us to talk about what true belonging means and how you can find it.

Just Be There (Episode 36)

August 15, 2019 05:00 - 21 minutes - 14.5 MB

Confession question, “What's a time someone showed up for you during change?" We're better, braver and stronger together. And we have a fourth chair friend with us!

What's Next (Episode 35)

August 08, 2019 05:00 - 25 minutes - 17.7 MB

Confession question: “How do you decide what step to take next?" If you're facing a decision or transition we'll help you walk through it.

Now What? (Episode 34)

August 01, 2019 05:00 - 22 minutes - 15.5 MB

Confession question: “When change happens, how do you handle it?" We all have different answers with the same goal--control! We chat about the challenge and freedom of letting go.

Who Am I Now? (Episode 33)

July 25, 2019 05:00 - 24 minutes - 17.1 MB

Confession question: “Have you ever been through a life change that made you question who you are?" We get real about the challenges of life's transitions and as well as their ability to transform us.