Can you still make money on Amazon?  That's the question I asked Lesley Hensell, co-founder of Riverbend Consulting,

Amazon, once characterized as the Wild West of online selling, has undergone significant evolution. Success on this platform now necessitates a more strategic and disciplined approach. However, with proper guidance, achieving success is possible.

So, you have a product ready to debut on Amazon. An organized is approach is required. Gone are the days of haphazardly listing products; today, approaching Amazon as a bona fide business entity with comprehensive records, invoices, and refined marketing strategies is mandatory. 

Lesley had some great tips for marketing your products.  Start with a comprehensive product detail page which  serves as your digital shopfront on Amazon. Craft compelling copy and captivating visuals to attract the shopper. Lifestyle imagery featuring infants, pets, and even models can significantly enhance your product's appeal.

But the journey doesn't conclude there! Video content holds immense sway on Amazon. Even with modest resources, you can produce engaging videos showcasing your product's features and benefits, effectively capturing potential buyers' attention.

Now, onto a critical yet often overlooked facet—advertising. While advertising on Amazon can yield substantial returns, it necessitates meticulous planning and continual monitoring. Leverage tools such as Jungle Scout or Helium 10 to conduct keyword research and optimize your ad campaigns for optimal visibility.

Here's a noteworthy tip: prioritize long-tail keywords to establish a unique niche for your product and avoid direct competition with industry behemoths.

One common mistake Leslie frequently encounters? The fallacy of the "set it and forget it" mindset. Achieving success on Amazon requires monitoring adjustments.

Looking for more information on setting up your Amazon store?  Go to  to learn more.