Today's talk centers around the unavoidable truth: not every employee walks into the office fully equipped for the job's challenges. Enter the world of training, a necessary step for workforce readiness. Joining me is is Vicki Noethling .

We explored the hurdles faced by small businesses with fewer than ten employees when it comes to carving out time for training and developing effective plans. Small business owners often find themselves juggling individual tasks, with training sometimes taking a back seat.  We discussed the benefits of having an outside perspective through avenues like lunch and learn sessions, helping uncover gaps in skills and knowledge.

Vicki sheds light on her approach to identifying team dynamics, using icebreakers and empathy-building exercises to enhance communication. We delve into the intricacies of leadership and communication struggles within teams, emphasizing the value of external assistance in bridging gaps.

Shifting gears, we touch on the current age of remote work, acknowledging the lack of guidance on effective communication in virtual spaces. Vicki shares her insights on fostering connection and engagement in remote teams, emphasizing the importance of mastering both audio and video communication skills. Whether you're navigating the complexities of team dynamics or adapting to the remote work era, this episode provides practical insights.


Want to learn more? Schedule 30 minute chat to see how Vicki can help you grow as a confident leader.