Today we’re diving into business plans with Lura Wagenknecht. You’ve probably heard me harp on about the importance of business plans, and I know some of you might think it’s just a document collecting dust on a shelf. Well, let me tell you, every bit of that plan is gold, and Laura shared some great tips on how to make the most of it. Laura, the owner of Mosaic Business Consulting, is a seasoned business consultant and executive coach with over 30 years of experience. We’re both passionate about the power of business plans, and in this conversation, we’re unraveling how every element of that plan can fuel your marketing strategy.

Laura sheds light on the practical uses of the business plan elements, from vision and mission to bios and service descriptions. It’s not just a static document; it’s a dynamic tool that can fuel your website content, social media posts, and overall marketing strategy. Laura emphasizes the beauty of breaking down the daunting task of creating a business plan into manageable chunks, making it less overwhelming. We also touch on the importance of revisiting your plan regularly, at least every six months, to ensure you’re on track and make necessary adjustments. If you’ve been hesitant about diving into the world of business plans, Laura’s insights might just be the encouragement you need to take that plunge.