Jennifer  Denney is obsessed with measurement and marketing data.  She believes you can't improve what you don't measure. But there are a lot of challenges for marketers right now, as they try to measure the effectiveness of a particular type of marketing, Recent changes from Apple have cut off all apps from being able to know what happens after you click on a ad and leave their site. And there is more data loss coming in July 2023 with the changes to Google Analytics.

Trying to map individual customers to individual campaigns or attribution is going to be harder than ever to figure out. So marketers who have been obsessed with trying to attribute marketing to one data source or another are going to be frustrated, and Jennifer thinks that logic was flawed even before the changes.

Consider this: It wasn't the last beer that you drank that got you drunk, it's all the beers. And it's the same way in marketing, you need to look at the interactions of all your marketing, recognizing the cumulative effect of your efforts.