Previous Episode: #823 Capacity

From our archive: 

You have only a few moments to make that great first impression and you  won’t stand out by sounding like everyone else.  You need to find a way to be first, best or different. And if you choose different, make sure your point of difference is actually relevant to your customer. 

Beyond that first impression, our guest Mike Verret explains that your words will have an effect on others, so choose them carefully. 


Mike solves problems that plague small businesses by giving them a unique perspective of what he sees in their goals. He believes that any marketing message is wrong if it doesn’t speak to us in normal human terms. And he thinks that corporate language is absolutely nuts. Who “ideates?” We think. We don’t have “Key Performance Indicators.” We have goals.

Business forgets to be human. Mike understands how consumers think, and he helps businesses avoid the risk of losing their Humanity!