You've Got Mail!

Do you remember when those three little words used to make you smile?  It's hard to believe it's been more than 25 years since we first logged onto the internet via a very slow dial-up modem to hear those words.

And, as in any long-term relationship our feelings about email have changed over time We have gone from early love as we looked forward to an update in our inbox to the dull routine of daily interactions. Regardless of the change in our feelings, we've hung in there, remaining loyal, opening our email every single day.

With so many people carrying smartphones it is easier than ever to use email marketing to deliver timely and relevant messages to your customers. However, just because they have an email account and you have their email address, it doesn't mean you're going to make a sale with billions of messages sent every single day.

You need to be sending attractive, interesting and engaging content in your emails if you want people to pay attention So take a  hard look at your campaign and answer a simple question.  If it wasn't your company, would you be excited to open that email?