Previous Episode: #779 It Is All About The Cash
Next Episode: #781 Time to Pivot

You need to protect the marketing assets of your business.

I got a call the other day from a client I hadn't worked with in 18 years. He wanted know if I still had the original art files for his business now. As strange as that sounds, in the old days I would have had that information but I sold my agency two years ago. The new owners don't have quite the file system I did so it took quite a while for them to find the artwork.

Is that my fault? No, it's his! He should have known better after 18 years in business. He should have multiple copies of his logo.

That's really what I want to drive home  -- This is your business.  These are your assets. It's great if you work with the marketing agency and they have copies of your logo and access to your website and other platforms. But you need to take responsibility Keep copies of your artwork and all the passwords for your website and other digital platforms.  And have all the renewals sent to you.

s your business protect. It.