Instagram is so much more than simple an app to share images of your favorite cocktail, flower or friend.  It is a powerful business tool with four separate features, or neighborhoods as guest Kendra Swalls likes to call them. 

There is your feed, stories, reels and even an Instagram live feature.  She suggests you curate your your feed to be a resource library for your clients. Reels are short snippets designed to engage prospective clients and stories are the behind the scenes looks at your business and the more personal posts for friends, family and a smaller circle of clients. 

You don't need to do it all at once., experiment with one type of post before adding others. 

About Kendra

Kendra is a mom of 2, photographer and  educator. In 2012 she started her first business, Paisley Layne Photography, and everything changed. What started as a hobby alongside her teaching career quickly turned into a successful business. In 2017 she left her teaching career behind to run her photography business and start the Girl Means Business brand + podcast.  Now she helps women, like you, take their business from survival-mode to success-mode using the same relationship marketing strategies that have been the foundations for her business success.