You spend all of your resources trying to drive people to your website. But what do they do when they get there? Well if you goal is to generate leads and build your email list that's where a great landing page comes in. 


Co-hosts of the System to Thrive Podcast, Jennie Wright and Alyson Lex say  your page has to grab their attention right away and that's a combination of how the page looks and the copy that's on the page. We buy with emotion and justify with logic, so the page needs to feed both parts of the customer. 

About Jennie and Alyson

Jennie Wright has produced over 500 list builds - summits, challenges, giveaways and webinars. She’s the List Build and Lead Generation Strategist you want on your side when you’re committed to organic growth of your list, community and profits.
Alyson Lex has written millions of words of high-converting copy since 2007 - and those millions of words have translated to millions of dollars in revenue for her clients. She’s the High Conversion Sales Copy Expert you want on your team when you need marketing that works.
Learn more about what they do.