Do you have a personal brand? Do you even know what that is and why you need one?  My guest Ian Moyse explains that while the term "personal brand" sounds illustrious, something for celebrities and influencers, everyone has a personal brand. 

Your personal brand is the perception others have of you. What they think of you and what they say of you when you're not in the room.  These days with social media, it is easier than ever for people to learn about you, good and bad from your digital profile. 

About Ian Moyse

Ian Moyse, Chief Revenue Officer at OneUp Sales, has led numerous revenue teams, 7 in smaller firms taking 4 through to exit. He was awarded the accolade of UK Sales Director of the year by BESMA (British Excellence in Sales Management Awards) and was listed in the top 50 Sales Keynote speakers by Top Sales World in 2019 & 2020 . Ian has been a regular judge on the Women in Sales Awards (WISA), Top Sales Awards, BESMA and the UK Cloud Awards.