Your brand doesn't happen by accident.  Our guests Tonya Eberhart & Michael Carr, partners behind BrandFace have created The 3 D Process for building your brand. 

Define - In the define stage, start with a look at who are your ideal customers, because you can't do business with everybody. If you try to help everybody, you'll just help yourself right out of business. 

Develop - In the development phase you need to start working on  messaging and imagery to support the definition phase.  It is more than just a tagline and a logo

Display -  This is where the hard works comes in to make sure your brand is displayed consistently wherever someone might run into your brand. 

About Tonya and Michael

Tonya and Michael are international bestselling authors, hosts of the Be Bold Branding Podcast, and partners in BrandFace,  the only comprehensive personal brand-building system across the globe. They have helped and inspired authors, podcasters, coaches, real estate agents, and business owners in 5 countries and 43 US states to stand out and become an authority in their market through the power of personal branding. 


Their mantra is, "People don't do business with a logo. They do business with a person."