Previous Episode: #665 Escape the Hustle

I have been blogging since 2007. Back then blogging was popular among writers and geeks.  I am not sure which I was, but I enjoyed the opportunity to flex my creative muscle on a site called More than a Few Words. Yes, before it was a podcast, it was a blog.

The posts were short snippets of what I was thinking about at the time.  Some of the content was funny, some of it was serious. There were thoughts about art, politics and occasionally marketing.

Business blogging was in its infancy and the role of blogs was conversation not SEO.  Business blog posts built on the ideas presented by others and encouraged engagement. The best blogs were lively, interactive communities with an authentic voice.

But then came social media, and the most interesting conversations moved to Twitter and Facebook. At the same time search engines started to notice and index blog content and marketers saw an opportunity to use the business blog to drive traffic.

In the transition from community conversation to business tool, we saw post get longer and longer, content become more standardizes and less personal and a misguided focus on quantity, not quality.

2022 State of the Blog

Fewer, longer more in-depth posts
Update old content
Topics only you can write
Add images, audio and video

Spend more time promoting.  Don’t expect if you write it they will come.