You spend hours creating content so you may be disappointed to discover that nobody's reading it. But it doesn't have to be that way. Our guest, Jonny Cooper shared three simple reasons content fails to deliver results.

You forgot the ABC- Audience Before Content. Essentially, you need a clear picture of who you are writing for, before you start writing.  Too often we start writing for a general audience.  The result, the content doesn't hit home with anyone. 
You aren't tapping into their challenges, hopes and dreams.  When you understand those elements it is easy to create content, which engages them by entering the conversation that's already going on in their heads.
Crimes against the algorithm. This is where you're posting random links to external content. For every social media platform, their number one priority is to keep their users on the platform. So if you pop a post in your newsfeed, with an external link, Facebook isn't going to show that to many people because you are trying to take people off their platform.  So post your content, and share links in the comments. 

About Jonny Cooper

British author, piano player, international racing driver and business coach Jonny Cooper is the founder of

Since growing a business to 8-figures and exiting, Jonny’s been supporting coaches, trainers, therapists and consultants who are serious about building their thriving practice, changing the world and enjoying a life of effortless abundance.

His Client Attraction Blueprint programme is filled with eager students every month and he’s closing in on his mission to impact the lives of 1,000,000 professionals by 2025.

Jonny’s Three Pillars of Effortless Marketing provides a template for universal success and growth to any aspiring coaches and therapists, and he’s passionate about increasing the average income across the profession.  

He’s also the voice behind the legendary Jonny Hates Marketing Facebook Group, and swears that he really, really does hate marketing.