I want to ask you a very specific question. Who were you writing for? Now, if you have a personal blog and you're documenting the days of your life, you're writing for yourself. But if you have a business blog then you are writing with business objectives in mind.  Those objectives are directed towards a specific audience and you need to write for them. 

So, are are you writing for your customers or are you writing for your referral partners who will pass the information on to your customers?  Does your target audience have a high level of expertise or are they primarily novices?

Once you decide on a target audience, it's easier to figure out what you should be writing and where you should be promoting them once they're written.

It's fine to have more than one audience for the overall blog, but individual posts should focus on a specific group or section of your target population.

Looking for examples on blogging, be sure to check out the resources in the Digital Toolbox