Every week, Lorraine Ball, chats with marketing professionals around the world. This week, the conversation is about Accountability.  Her guest, Don Markland shared thoughts on developing an accountability habit for your business. 

1) Accountability starts with you.  While you may find others to help keep you on track, you must take responsibility for actions and results. 

2) There is no ego in accountability.  You must be ready to listen and respond to feedback, taking ownership without excuses. 

3) There are four "C's" of accountability:

Critique Success - Always look to improve on what is working
Correct Failure - Diagnose what is not working and build a plan to fix it
Celebrate Growth - Don't wait till you get to  your end goal, celebrate the milestone improvements along the way
Crush Mediocracy - If you are going to do something, commit to it 100% 


About Don Markland


Don Markland is the host the podcast The Morning Jolt. He is an Entrepreneur, Sales, and Marketing Executive, Forbes Contributor, and he runs my own Business Coaching Firm.