The hardest thing about blogging is staring at that blank sheet of paper trying to decide what you should be writing about.  The answer is pretty simple, write  about the things that you know that your customers don't.  That may be is a little oversimplified so here are some ideas on what you can write for your next blog post.

Start with industry trends. Customers like to know you're staying up on the latest industry information. Share things you've discovered.  Then there are frequently asked questions.  Dive into your email and find the questions you answer over and over again.  Write a blog post to answer it. The next time the question comes up, you've already got an answer.

Do features on new employees and let your customers get to know the people behind your brand. Certainly focus on new products and services. also include case studies and testimonials, and maybe even information on an upcoming event.

Okay, you've got some topic areas, go ahead and start writing and be sure to read our blog at round peg dot biz. Looking for more marketing tips, look for longer episodes and more than if you were wherever you listen to podcasts.

The marketing minute is a shorter version of the popular More than a Few Words podcast. Instead of a conversation with a marketing professional, host Lorraine Ball shares a quick tip to start you on your week