More than a Few Words is a marketing and business conversation hosted by Lorraine Ball.

Why do business owners need to build social relationships?  Aleya Harris is pretty clear when asked that question. She believes relationships equal sales. You're posting on social media to position yourself as a helpful expert, to show you understand the problems of prospective customers.  You want to show  people that when they work with you, they're going to get quality solutions. 

And while you are building that relationship, people want to see a little bit of your personality because people want to feel an affinity for you. People can be hesitant to part with their hard earned cash so getting people to know you, like you and trust you via relationships built on social media is a way to help ease your sales process. 

Build relationships by starting from the inside. Many people just start talking at people, but messaging strategy starts from the inside out,.  It is an internal process, as you decide what you want to be known for. before you start putting messages out there.


About Aleya Harris

Aleya Harris, CPCE is an award winning marketer and former chef and catering company owner.. She is the Owner of Flourish Marketing, an agency that provides marketing education, strategy, and tools to help wedding and creative professionals get and keep a consistent stream of clients.

Aleya is a StoryBrand Certified Guide. She uses that narrative based framework to develop clear, engaging, and highly converting marketing assets, like email sales funnels and social media solutions, for her clients.

Aleya is the current Marketing Committee Chair and Black Caucus Chair for NACE as well as a WeddingPro Educator for 2021. She is also
a top speaker at conferences and events such as Catersource and The Special Event