More than a Few Words is a marketing conversation for business owners hosted by Lorraine Ball, founder of the Digital Toolbox 

Since the dawn of the internet, or at least the dawn of social media, there's been this ongoing battle between consumers and media outlets, over how much information they actually have access to and how much they share with their advertisers. On the one hand, we want to protect our privacy. But on the other hand, as business owners, that information is critical.  

 As Apple and other service providers ratchet down the amount of information available, it will be more difficult to precisely target audiences, driving costs up and effectiveness down. Precise targeting allowed small business owners a chance to get their message in front of the right people, Now with broader , less precise groups, you will have to spend more to put your ad in front of more people, to reach that same number of really qualified prospects. 


About Jennifer Denney:  In her words

I have been in digital marketing for over 10 years and it’s an absolute passion of mine. I am very data driven and love to analyze data from many data points using various tools. There isn’t a decision I make today without the data to back it up. I believe strongly in the fact that almost all digital marketing gives you the ability to measure and execute with a higher precision than ever before.

Some of my strongest attributes is my ability to take on any challenge. I am not unnerved by something that I have not done before. I’m a true learner and I’m constantly self-teaching myself though reading of articles, conferences and I stay well networked with fellow marketing experts.