The marketing minute is a shorter version of the popular More than a Few Words podcast. Instead of a conversation with a marketing professional, host Lorraine Ball shares a quick tip to start you on your week 

Real branding is so much more than just your logo, business card and letterhead. A real company brand encompasses what you want people to think and feel about your brand. And so beyond the color and logo, there's also messaging and tone, and how your brand is extended not just on your website and in print, but in social media, and even public interactions.

All of this helps you and your employees answer that question, what do you do and how do you do it? It is  fairly easy to keep your brand consistent when your company only consists of two or three people. But what happens when you continue to grow to 10, 20 or even 100 people? How do you ensure your brand is still presented consistently.

You will need a solid brand standard document that everyone has a copy of. You will need to train every time you get a new employee so that they understand your brand. And finally you need to pick a brand champion, someone who owns that identity and helps other employees implement it.

Looking for help building your brand kit?  You will find lots of branding resources in the Digital Toolbox.  Check it out today!