More than a Few Words is a marketing conversation for business owners hosted by Lorraine Ball

Our guest, Thomas Libby spends a lot of time on LinkedIn. And the time pays off, because he uses the platform to help people get to know, like and trust him.   Why isn't it effective for everyone?  

Often it is because they treat it like a platform and not a chance for a conversation. for example, you wouldn't walk up to somebody on the street or walk into a meeting and immediately launch into a sales pitch about a new wonderful, bright, shiny object you are selling. 

Too many people try that approach on LinkedIn. Immediately after connecting, the first message you get from them is that look at this bright, shiny object that we're selling, are you interested in it? They forget there should be some foundational work done there.

Instead of launching into a sales pitch, try offering something of value. like sharing a resource or asking a question.   

About Thomas Libby

Tom is a seasoned Sales VP and Business Development Executive. He is a Co-Founder of the and also the CEO of Diversified Sales Solutions, Inc., a firm that provides outsourced sales solutions.  Getting Sales strategy right is part vocation, part mission for Tom.