The marketing minute is a shorter version of the popular More than a Few Words podcast. Instead of a conversation with a marketing professional, host Lorraine Ball shares a quick tip to start you on your day as a business owner.

If you've spent any time at all on the internet, you've landed on 404 page telling you the page you requested cannot be found. There are usually instructions to try refining your search or use the navigation above to locate the post. 

If that's what the message looks like on your 404 page you are missing a terrific sales opportunity. Instead of a simple 404 message, provide helpful information like buttons or a navigation panel to help them get back into the flow.

If you come to the 404 page on the Roundpeg website we actually have full navigation and a list of current blog posts along with a fun image of Benny our office cat. We want to make sure that people who get a little bit lost. to enjoy the trip.

If you'd like to learn more about spicing up your 404 page, reach out to us at