More than a Few Words,  a weekly marketing podcast, hosted by Lorraine Ball features conversations with professionals from around the world. 

This week, our guest Colin Gray talks about the challenges business owners face when it comes to creating content. 


it's not hard usually, to convince people that content is a good idea, whether it's a podcast, whether it's a blog, a video channel.  The hard part is getting them to stick to the routine, because it is the consistency that really builds your audience.

People are always fine for the first month, maybe even two months, but then then novelty wears off .  The trick is finding a way to create a regular process of creating content.

Building the routine starts with a plan.  Think of one topic, and then start breaking it down into smaller and smaller bites.  Instead of trying to write one post that coves everything you know on a topic write five related posts addressing different aspects of the same topic.

When it comes to the tools, simpler is better.  Look for easy to use all in one tools like Alitu, an all in one platform for podcasting

 About Colin

Colin Gray is a podcaster, speaker, PhD and founder of The Podcast Host and Alitu. The Podcast Host is a huge resource on running a successful show, including a full guide on How to start a Podcast. And, Alitu is a web app that helps you make your podcast, automating cleanup and branding, and assisting with editing. It makes podcasting quick and easy!