The marketing minute is a shorter version of the popular More than a Few Words podcast.  Instead of a conversation with a marketing professional, host Lorraine Ball shares a quick tip to start you on your day as a business owner.

There was a time when the doorbell rang, you would jump up and fling the door open in the hopes of entertaining a neighbor, friend or unexpected guest.

But things have changed. And we're a lot more cautious these days about who we invite into our homes.

This can create real challenges for companies that are in a home service industry. You can help overcome this consumer reluctance by using content marketing to help prospective customers feel as if they know  you.

You can do this by adding photographs of your team members on your website and showing a little bit of personality on social media.

Last but definitely not least, encourage reviews. There's nothing that reassures a consumer about inviting someone into their home, like seeing their friend or neighbor saying, "we've worked with these guys, and we would do it again".

So the next time you provide service for someone, be sure to ask them to leave you a review