The marketing minute is a shorter version of the popular More than a Few Words podcast.  Instead of a conversation with a marketing professional, host Lorraine Ball shares a quick tip to start you on your day as a business owner.

When you were little your parents probably told you to use an inside voice.  They may have said that it wasn't polite to shout. While true in  your parent's living room, there are times you have to raise your voice to get noticed.

This is especially true on line as you are competing with so many other messages. To get the attention of visitors to your website, you have to shout a little bit.

Unlike when you are face to face with someone, online, you shout visually, for example your call to action on any page of your website should be in all caps. While this is hard to read and long blocks of text  and considered a little rude in an email, it's critical in your call to action.  The all cap style stops the reader and makes them pay attention.