From my archive: 

When you started your business you probably assumed that sooner or later you would get around to building a life to go with it.  According to guest Nicole Bandes, that is not necessarily the best way to approach things. She believes you can actually build a successful business around your amazing life.  

Here are a few of the key points from our conversation

Ditch Tradition and Embrace Your Own Path:

Many of us feel pressure to follow traditional paths set by our parents or grandparents. But when you  forge your own paths you can design a business that suits your lifestyle and values.  

Seek Harmony, Not Balance:

The idea of work-life balance can feel unattainable, but focusing on harmony offers a more realistic approach. It allows you to dedicate more time to your business when needed, like during a launch or product creation. The trick is to use flexibility to prioritize personal interests and family time when you are not in crunch time.  

Outsource and Delegate:

There’s never a wrong time to start delegating. Outsourcing tasks that take up too much of your time or aren’t in your wheelhouse, such as bookkeeping, can free you up to focus on what you love and excel at. 

Strategic Time Management:

Be strategic with your time. Eliminate unnecessary tasks and avoid chasing every shiny object.  

Look for Support Systems:

Look for ways to build your own support systems, whether it's hiring someone for administrative tasks or leveraging tools and resources to streamline your processes.

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